Mary Hammond

Last Edited: 29 Jan 2022


John Page b. 29 Jul 1662


  1. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.

BW2 William Chittenden

d. 1667
Last Edited: 4 Jul 2023
  • Anecdote*: William Chittenden issued an undated farthing token (BW2) showing the Mercers' coat of arms. It reads:
    Obv: (lozenge)WILLIAM.CHITENDIN , around cable inner circle, shield containing Mercer's Arms.
    Rev: (sunburst)IN(double lozenge)ALLFRISTON , around cable inner circle. WC with (sunburst)(sunburst)(sunburst) above and below.
    The fact that there is no initial for a wife suggests this was issued before his marriage in 1664.
  • Occupation*: BW2 William Chittenden was a mercer in 1664.
  • Marriage*: BW2 William Chittenden married Joane Alchorne on 4 February 1663/64 at Alciston, Sussex, EnglandB.1
  • Will*: BW2 William Chittenden left a will made on 10 September 1664 at Alfriston, Sussex, EnglandB.2
  • Will/Adm Transcript*: Will of William Chittenden, Mercer of Alfriston, 1667
    (TNA: PROB 11/323/455)
    Made: 10 Sep 1664
    Proved: 29 Mar 1667
    In the name of God Amen The Tenth Day of September in the Sixteenth yeare of the Raigne of our most gracious Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the faith &c Annoque Domini 1664 I William Chittenden of Alfriston in the County of Sussex Mercer being of sound and perfect mind and memory and in reasonable health thanks bee given to God therefore yet remembring my mortalitie and out of the Desire I have to settle and Dispose of such worldly goods and estate wherewith It hath pleased God to blesse mee withall To the’end no untimely Controversie or variance may after my Decease bee moved or arise concerneing the same I Doe hereby Revoke and make void all former Wills by mee made and Doe make and Declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following first and principally I give and bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator who I am assured for his Deere Sonnes sake Jesus Christ my Redeemer will receave the same and glorifie for ever Item I give to the poore people of the parish of Alfriston aforesaid the summe of Twenty shillings of lawfull money of England to bee Distributed amongst them at the Discrecion of my Executors hereafter named Item I give and bequeath unto Joane my now Lovinge Wife the use of my Household stuffe whatsoever untill such time as the Child by which she now goeth by shalle attaine unto its Age of One and Twenty yeares And if the said Child shall happen to Die before that age Then my will and meaneing is That my said wife shall have the use of all my Householdstuffe During her Widdowhood and now longer And further my Will is that if the said Child shall Die and Depart this life before th’age of One and Twenty yeares And my said wife shall fortune to take to husband Then I doe hereby give and bequeath all the said householdstuffe unto my Brother John Chittenden Item I give unto my said Loving Wife Joane the summe of Twenty shillings of Lawfull money of England To bee paid her by my Executors hereafter named Whereas I the said William Chittenden by one Obligation Dated the Six and Twentith Day of January In the yeare of our Lord One Thousand Six hundred Sixty and Three stand bound unto John Alchorne and Allexander Alchorne of Alfriston in the summe of Sixteene hundred pounds of lawfull money of England Condicioned for the Conveying and Assureing of the cleere yearly value of Forty pounds in Lands uppon my said Lovinge Wife Joane Dureing her naturall life for a Joynture and to such other use and uses as in the said Condicion is expressed As by the said Obligacion and Condicion appeareth Now in parte of discharge thereof I Doe hereby give Devise and bequeath unto my said Lovinge Wife Joan and her Assignes During her naturall life All and singular my Lands Tenements and hereditaments whatsoever Scittuate Lying and being in Alfriston aforesaid, and in the parishe of Hawkehurst in the County of Kent, And for the makeing upp of the Remainder thereof I doe hereby impowre nominate and appoint my said Brother John Crittenden and John Alchorne and the Survivor of them That forthwith out of my personall estate they purchase and buy such and so much Lands as shall make upp the said cleere yearly value of Forty pounds and to convey and assure the said Lands so to bee purchased uppon my said wife for and During her naturall life And to such other use and uses as in the said Condicion of the said recited Obligacion is Expressed All the rest and residue of my Goods Cattell Chattells Corne Creditts and estate whatsoever, My Debts Legacyes and Funerall Expences being paid and discharged I give and bequeath unto the said Child, by which my now wife goeth by to bee Delivered and paid him or her at his or her Age of One and Twenty yeares by my Executors in trust hereafter named And my Will and meaneing is that the whole increase profitt and benefitt of that estate shalbe allowed and paid for the Educacion breeding and bringing upp of the said Child And if the said Child shall Die and not live to attaine to thage of One and Twenty yeares I Doe hereby give and bequeath All my Estate whatsoever unto my said Brother John Chittenden his heires and Assignes forever Provided That hee and they shall well and truly pay yearly by quarterly payments the whole Interest thereof unto my said Lovinge Wife Joane During her naturall life And I doe hereby Constitute and make my said Brother John Chittenden and John Alchorne Executors in Trust of this my last Will and Testament In witnes whereof I have to this my last Will and Testament contained in two sheetes of paper fixed my Seale and sett my hand to each Sheete thereof and have published and Declared this to bee my last Will and Testament in the presence of Thomas ....en Rob: Raynes
    Will proved at Exeter in the Strand, Middlesex, before Peter Lane MA Surrogate etc. and Mr William Merick Doctor of Law... 29th March 1667 by the oaths of John Chittenden and John Alchorne executors named in the said will etc.
    (Transcribed by Claire Wickens, 29th January 2022 for Geoffrey Barber.)
  • Death*: BW2 William Chittenden died in 1667 at Hawkhurst, Kent, EnglandB.
  • Burial*: BW2 William Chittenden was buried on 18 October 1667 at Hawkhurst, Kent, EnglandB.


Joane Alchorne


Richard Chittenden b. 18 May 1665


  1. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.
  2. [S1027] Will of William Chittenden of Alfriston, Sussex, England, made 10 Sep 1664, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 29 Mar 1667. (TNA: PROB 11/323/455).

Joane Alchorne

Last Edited: 30 Jan 2022
  • Marriage*: Joane Alchorne married BW2 William Chittenden on 4 February 1663/64 at Alciston, Sussex, EnglandB.1
  • (Witness) Will: Joane Alchorne is mentioned in the will of BW2 William Chittenden dated 10 September 1664 at Alfriston, Sussex, EnglandB.2
  • Marriage*: Joane Alchorne married Robert Raynes on 5 April 1670 at Folkington, Sussex, EnglandB, "Mr." of Alfriston, Joane a widow of Chiddingly.1
  • Anecdote*: Short title: Raynes v Chittenden. Plaintiffs: Robert Raynes and Joane Raynes his wife....
    Reference: C 7/296/14
    Raynes v Chittenden.
    Plaintiffs: Robert Raynes and Joane Raynes his wife.
    Defendants: John Chittenden and others.
    Place or subject: property in Alfriston, Sussex, Kent, Hawkhurst, Lullington, Sussex etc.
    Document type: bill only
    Date:     1671
    Held by: The National Archives, Kew.

Family 1:

BW2 William Chittenden d. 1667


Richard Chittenden b. 18 May 1665

Family 2:

Robert Raynes


  1. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.
  2. [S1027] Will of William Chittenden of Alfriston, Sussex, England, made 10 Sep 1664, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 29 Mar 1667. (TNA: PROB 11/323/455).

Richard Chittenden

b. 18 May 1665


Father: BW2 William Chittenden d. 1667
Mother: Joane Alchorne
Last Edited: 30 Jan 2022
  • (Witness) Will: Richard Chittenden is mentioned in the will of BW2 William Chittenden dated 10 September 1664 at Alfriston, Sussex, EnglandB.1
  • Baptism*: Richard Chittenden was baptized on 18 May 1665 at St Andrew, Alfriston, Sussex, EnglandB.2
  • He was the son of BW2 William Chittenden and Joane Alchorne.
  • Anecdote*: There is no sign of a Richard Chittenden in the Sussex baptisms, marriage or burial indexes after 1665. However there is a burial of a Mr Richard RAYNES on 29 Jun 1702 at Lewes All Saints ("Mr. ") which could be him. There is no marriage for a Richard RAYNES in the Sussex Marriage Index.


  1. [S1027] Will of William Chittenden of Alfriston, Sussex, England, made 10 Sep 1664, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 29 Mar 1667. (TNA: PROB 11/323/455).
  2. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.

Giles Watts

b. circa 1605, d. 1657
Last Edited: 8 Jul 2023
  • Birth*: Giles Watts was born circa 1605 at England.
  • Occupation*: Giles Watts was a mercer (on marriage licence) in 1636.1
  • Marriage License: Giles Watts and Dorothy Yelding obtained a marriage licence on 16 November 1636 at Archdeaconry of Lewes, Sussex, England, Giles a mercer of Battle; Dorothy a spinster of Hollington. Sponsors: William Yelding, yeoman of Hollington; Herbert Lunsford, yeoman of the same parish.1
  • Marriage*: Giles Watts married Dorothy Yelding on 5 December 1636 at Hollington, Sussex, EnglandB, Giles of Battle, Dorothy of this parish.1
  • Marriage*: Giles Watts married Mary Maunser circa 1641 at England.
  • Marriage*: Giles Watts married Ann Pilcher on 18 May 1654 at Brightling, Sussex, EnglandB, both of Battle.1
  • Occupation: Giles Watts was a mercer in 1657.
  • Death*: Giles Watts died in 1657 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.
  • Will*: Giles Watts left a will made on 19 December 1657 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.2
  • Will/Adm Transcript*: Will of Giles Watts, Mercer of Battle, 1658
    (TNA: PROB 11/281/752)
    Made: 19 Dec 1657
    Proved: 28 July 1658
    In the name of God Amen I Giles Watts of Battill in the County of Sussex mercer. Considering with my selfe that it is the duty of every good Christian in respect of uncertenty of the tyme place manner of his death dayly to expect the Lords call and therefore to fill and prepare himselfe for his disolucon and in tyme of health to sett things in ordere and soe to dispose of his worldly cares & po’ssons that when it shall please the Allmighty to call him out of this miserable world that he may with chearefullnes peace and patience surrender and yeild upp his speritt into the hand of God that gave it I the said Giles Watts being sicke in body of a sound and disposeing memory thanks be to God therefore doe this nyneteenth day of December one thowsand six hundred fifty seaven make & ordeyne this my last will and testament in manner & forme followeing. In the first place comending and asinge my Soule in the hands of Allmighty God being willing at his appointed tyme to leave and forsake this earthly tabernacle in full assurance and confidence that all my sinns both originall and actual are fully pardoned and remitted by and through the only meritts of Jesus Christ my Saviour and redeemer and my body I leave to retorne to the earth from whence it came to receive a decent and Christian buriall at the discrecon of my executor herein after named. And as touching such worldly goods as by the great blessing of God I have and enioy. First I give and bequeath unto Ann my beloved wiefe the somme of fower pounds a year to be paid quarterly by my executors hereafter named. Item I give my wiefe Ann to silver cupps two silver spones one fether bedd and boulster two pillowes to blanketts one coverlett three payre shetts six napkins two payre pilicotts with curteynes and vallence the best in the howse which shee shall make choyce of. Item I give my wiefe stuffe for a gowne with linning and garnishing sutable. Item my minde and will is to have my wiefe have dwelling in this howse now I live in in the terme of six yeares after my decease without trouble or molestacon keepeing her selfe a widdowe. Item I give Giles Watts my eldest sonne my copy hold messuage called Cradlock Hill lyeing betweene Brasted and Westoeham. Item I give unto Giles Watts my eldest sonne three peeces of copyhold lyeing neire the streame in Battill called Durmingford steame. Item I give unto Giles Watts my eldest sonne three acres of copyhold land I purchased of James Boyes called Treshers Brooke. Item I give unto Giles Watts my eldest sonne the land I had by my wiefe Ann lyeing in Dalington and Crithing. I give Giles my silver cupp and two silver spones. Item I give unto my youngest sonne Robert Watts my youngest sonne the howse I now live in with the garden and backside belonging to it. Item I give unto Robert Watts my youngest sonne my messuage barne and land lieing at Bredsall Greene now in the occcupacon of Widdowe Dowse. Item I give unto Elizabeth my daughter the wiefe of John Mansor the somme of fifty pounds to be paid within three months after my decease by my executors. Item I give unto Mary Watts my seacond daughter the somme of two hundred pounds to be paid her at eighteene yeares of age or day of marriage which shall happen first to be paid by my executors and to pay them for the forbeareance five pounds for the hundred pounds per ann till they come to the age aforesaid. Item I give to Alice my third daughter the somme of two hundred pounds to be paid by my executors at eighteene yeares of age or day of marriage which shall happen first to be paid by my executors and to pay her for the forbeareance five pounds the hundred pounds p ann till she cometh to the age aforesaid Item I give unto Ann my fourth daughter the somme of two hundred pounds to be paid by my executors at eighteene yeares of age or day of marriage which shall happen first to be paid by my executors and to pay her for the forbeareance five pounds the hundred pounds per annum till she cometh to the age aforesaid. I give to the poore people of Battill the somme of twenty shillings to be with one month after my decease to the churchwardens to distribute itt. I desire Walter Everden Esqr and Thomas Lawrence to be my overseers to this my last will and testament. Item constitute make and ordeyne Giles Watts and Robert Watts my sonnes ioynt executors of this my last will and testamt
    In witnes here unto I have sett my hand and seale to this second sheet and my hand to ye first sheet the day and year above written Giles Watts his mke
    Sealed signed & delivered in the psence of ye mke of Rich Sagett; Francis Wood; Walter Everden; Tho Lawrence
    This Will was proved at London the eight and twentieth day of July in the year of our Lord God one thowsand six hundred fifty eight before the Judges for probate of wills &c by the othe and in the name of Giles Watts the sonne and one of the executors named in this will to whom was comitted administacon &c he being first sworne by virtue of a Comission truly to administer &c power being reserved neverteles to make like probate and grant like amminacon to Robert Watts the other executor whensoever he shall legally desire the same
    (Transcribed by Dave Woolven, 16/17 July 2021.)
  • Burial*: Giles Watts was buried on 23 December 1657 at St Mary the Virgin, Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.3
  • Probate: His estate was probated on 28 July 1658 at Prerogative Court of Canterbury, London, England.

Family 1:


Elizabeth Watts b. 2 Oct 1631
BW23 Giles Watts b. 22 Dec 1633, d. 1686

Family 2:

Dorothy Yelding d. 1641
  • Marriage License: Giles Watts and Dorothy Yelding obtained a marriage licence on 16 November 1636 at Archdeaconry of Lewes, Sussex, England, Giles a mercer of Battle; Dorothy a spinster of Hollington. Sponsors: William Yelding, yeoman of Hollington; Herbert Lunsford, yeoman of the same parish.1
  • Marriage*: Giles Watts married Dorothy Yelding on 5 December 1636 at Hollington, Sussex, EnglandB, Giles of Battle, Dorothy of this parish.1


Ann Watts b. 11 Apr 1640, d. Feb 1641

Family 3:

Mary Maunser d. 1652


Robert Watts+ b. 18 Sep 1642, d. 1722
Mary Watts+ b. 3 Oct 1644, d. 1721
Alice Watts b. 19 Sep 1647
Ann Watts b. 20 Apr 1651

Family 4:

Ann Pilcher


  1. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.
  2. [S1029] Will of Giles Watts of Battle, Sussex, England, made 19 Dec 1657, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 28 Jul 1658. (TNA: PROB 11/281/752).
  3. [S25] Online Index to Burials, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.

Dorothy Yelding

d. 1641
Last Edited: 29 Jan 2022


Giles Watts b. c 1605, d. 1657
  • Marriage License: Dorothy Yelding and Giles Watts obtained a marriage licence on 16 November 1636 at Archdeaconry of Lewes, Sussex, England, Giles a mercer of Battle; Dorothy a spinster of Hollington. Sponsors: William Yelding, yeoman of Hollington; Herbert Lunsford, yeoman of the same parish.1
  • Marriage*: Dorothy Yelding married Giles Watts on 5 December 1636 at Hollington, Sussex, EnglandB, Giles of Battle, Dorothy of this parish.1


Ann Watts b. 11 Apr 1640, d. Feb 1641


  1. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.
  2. [S25] Online Index to Burials, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.

Ann Pilcher

Last Edited: 29 Jan 2022


Giles Watts b. c 1605, d. 1657


  1. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.
  2. [S1029] Will of Giles Watts of Battle, Sussex, England, made 19 Dec 1657, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 28 Jul 1658. (TNA: PROB 11/281/752).

BW23 Giles Watts

b. 22 December 1633, d. 1686
The Mercers' Maiden


Father: Giles Watts b. c 1605, d. 1657
Last Edited: 8 Jul 2023
  • Birth: BW23 Giles Watts was born in 1633 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.
  • Baptism*: BW23 Giles Watts was baptized on 22 December 1633 at St Mary the Virgin, Battle, Sussex, EnglandB, no mother's name.1
  • He was the son of Giles Watts.
  • Anecdote*: Giles Watts issued an undated merchants' farthing token which showed the Mercers' Guild coat of arms (Sussex BW23). It is also possible that this may have been issued by his father, Giles Watts.
    It is the lack of a wife’s initial on the token which makes the son the likely issuer of the token, as his father was married nearly all his life. The younger Giles was briefly married 1662-65 and he died childless. The inclusion of both the husband and wife’s initials on the token was an almost standard feature on tokens, although exceptions are known. The period 1658-1662 is therefore looking promising for the issue of this token although it was not a time of high issuances in Sussex generally. The peak period for token issuances was 1666-69, after the death of Giles’ wife Elizabeth, so this may be more likely.
  • Anecdote: BIOGRAPHY
    Giles Watts and family would seem to have been the cloth specialists in Battle and their wills show that they were wealthy men. The father Giles Watts declared himself as a mercer in 1636 on his marriage licence and in 1657 on his will, while his son Giles Watts declared himself to be a draper on his marriage licence in 1662 and a gentleman on his will in 1686. It is likely that the younger Giles had served an apprenticeship as a draper to learn the clothing trade, just as his nephew, another Giles Watts, did in 1710. Giles Watts’ father left him substantial holdings of property in Kent and Sussex and his younger brother Robert Watts inherited his father’s own house in Battle and another property. His married sister was left fifty pounds and each of his unmarried sisters two hundred pounds. One of the items his father left to his wife was fitting for a mercer: “stuffe for a gowne with linning and garnishing suitable”.
    Giles Watts (the son) died childless in 1686. In his will he left the sum of fifty pounds for the purchase of land to that value to be settled on the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of Battle to be used for the benefit of the poor. There is a document dated 1729 referring to a house and land purchased by the Battle parish officers for the Giles Watts Charity and subsequently used as a workhouse. The remainder of his
    substantial estate was divided between his siblings and their children. It is likely that the business continued within the family through his step-brother Robert Watts who named one of his sons Giles who was apprenticed to John Hanfield, a woollen draper in Ashford, Kent in 1710 at a cost of £45. This nephew later returned to Battle and took on his own apprentice mercers in 1718 and 1723, each paying him £40 for the privilege.
  • (Witness) Will: BW23 Giles Watts is mentioned in the will of Giles Watts dated 19 December 1657 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.2
  • Occupation*: BW23 Giles Watts was a draper (on marriage licence) in 1662.
  • Marriage License: BW23 Giles Watts and Elizabeth Backe obtained a marriage licence on 23 July 1662 at Archdeaconry of Canterbury, Kent, England, Giles a bachelor, 23 years, a draper of Battle; Elizabeth 21 years with consent of mother, of Hunxhill. Sponsor: George Finch of Wye.3
  • Marriage*: BW23 Giles Watts married Elizabeth Backe on 29 July 1662 at Hinxhill, Kent, England.4
  • Anecdote*: Title: Mortgage for £300 with bond
    Date: 17 Mar 1684
    ESRO reference: AMS 5744/100-101
    Description: John Dyne of Brede (formerly of Westfield) gent and his wife Mary (daughter of William Davis of Sedlescombe gent) to Giles Watts and Robert Lovelace both of Battle gents
    Moiety of Poppinghole, Ashland and Youngland; payable at house of Robert Watts in Battle
    Witnesses: Sarah Horne, Jane Bromly, Jo Purfield, Robert Watts, Henry Purfield.
  • Death*: BW23 Giles Watts died in 1686 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.
  • Will*: BW23 Giles Watts left a will made on 20 July 1686 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.5
  • Will/Adm Transcript*: Will of Giles Watts, Gent of Battle, 1687
    (TNA: PROB 4/190/28)
    Made: 20 Jul 1686
    Proved: 23 Mar 1687
    In the name of God Amen the twentieth day of July in the second year of the raigne of o’r sovereigne Lord James the Second by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King defender of the faith &c Annoq Domini one thousand six hundred eighty six I Giles Watts of Battell in the County of Sussex Gent being sicke and weake in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory praised bee God therefore doe make this my last Will and Testament on writing in manner and forme following that is to say. First and principally I bequeath my Soule into the hands of Allmighty God my creator. And my body to the earth from whence it was taken to bee therein decently buried with Christian burial at the discretion of my executors hereinafter named. And for my estate wherewith the Lord hath beene pleased to blesse mee I give and dispose thereof as followeth vizt. Inprimis I will direct and appointe that my executors or the survivor of them shall and doe within one year next after my decease or soe soone afterwards as possibly they can lay out and expend the summe of fifty or threescore pounds upon and for the purchase of some freehold or copyhold land of that value and settle or cause the same to bee setled unto and upon the churchwardens and overseers for the poore of the parish of Battell aforesd for the time being and their successers or unto and upon such other person and persons his and their heires and assignes as my said executors or the survivor of them in their discretion shall thinke fit for ever to have and to hold to the said churchwardens & overseers and their successors or to such other persons and their heires for ever to the end and intent and upon this speciall trust and confidence that the said churchwardens and overseers and their successors or the said other person or persons his and their heires and assignes shell and doe yearly and every year for ever afterwards lay out and disburse and dispose of the yearly rent and profits of the same lands to and for the only use and benefit of the poore people of the said parish of Battell which have not monethly pay from the parish. And in case the said churchwardens and overseers or their successors for the time being or such other person and persons his and their heires and assignes shall or doe at any time or times after the said lands shall bee purchased and setled as is aforesaid neglect or forbeare to employ and dispose of the said yearely rent and profits of the said lands for the use of the said poore people or shall employ or dispose of the same to or for any other use or uses contrary to my true intent and meaning, then and in such case my express will and meaning is and I doe hereby direct and appoint that when and as often as any such neglect shall happen to bee made by the said churchwardens and overseers or their successors or the said other persons and their heires or assignes or as they or any of them shall or doe employ or dispose of the said yearly rent or profits of the same lands to or for any other use or uses it shall and may bee lawfull to and for the heires of mee the said Giles Watts to enter into and upon the same lands and the same and every parte thereof to have hold and enjoy and the rents issues and profits thereof receive have and take up to and for his and their owne use for and dureing the full terme and time of one whole year next after any and every such entry to bee made as is aforesd. And my further will and meaning is and I doe hereby direct and appoint that my executors and the survivor of them and the executors or administrators of the survivor of them shall and doe give and pay unto the churchwardens and overseers for the poore of Battell aforesaid and their successors for the use and benefit of the said poore people of Battell aforesaid interest for the said fifty pounds after and according to the rate of five pounds per centum in the meane time and untill such time as the said fifty or threescore pounds shall bee laid out for the purchase of some freehold or copyhold lands to and for such uses intents and purposes as I have before willed directed and appointed the same to bee laid out and disposed of. And whereas I and Mr Robert Lovelace my brother in law did heretofore lend unto Mr John Dyne the summe of three hundred pounds upon mortgage of certaine lands and tenements scituate lyeing and being in the severall parishes of Whatlington, Burwashe, Etchingham and Mountfield in the aforesaid County of Sussex of which said summe of three hundred pounds two hundred pounds was the proper moneys of the said Robert Lovelace and one hundred pounds the proper moneys of mee the said Giles Watts. Now I doe hereby give the said summe of one hundred pounds which was be mee paid and lent upon the said mortgage unto Mary the daughter of the said Robert Lovelace by Mary my halfe sister the now wife of the said Robert Lovelace. And alsoe all my estate right title and interest of in and to the said lands soe mortgaged to mee and the said Robert Lovelace by the said John Dyne and Mary his wife to bee paid and delivered unto the said Mary the daughter within six moneths after her day of marriage. Item I give and devise unto Robert Watts my loveing brother all that my messuage or tenement and lands with the appurtenances scituate lyeing and being in Brighteling to have and to hold to him his heires and assignes for ever. Item I give and devise unto the said Robert Watts and his heires for ever all that my copyhold tenement and lands called New Fee in Battell aforesaid. And all those my copyhold lands and tenements called Bowland Brookes with their and every of their appurtenances. Item I give and devise unto John Mannser my kinsman and his heires for ever all that my copyhold tenement barne and lands with the appurtenances called Dunton Hawe. And all that my copyhold messuage or tenement with the appurtenances wherein Jeremy Lowes now dwelleth scituate lyeing and being in the towne of Battell in the Middle Burrow there. All which before mentioned copyhold lands and tenements I have lately surrendered to the use of my last Will and Testament. All the rest of my goods chattells and personall estate which shall bee left and remaine after my debts legacyes and funerall expences and the charges of my executors in and about the probate of this my Will and the execution of the trust by mee in them hereby reposed I will direct and appoint to bee divided and shifted into two equall parts and shares. And then I doe give and bequeath the full one halfe parte thereof unto my said brother Robert Watts. And as for the other halfe parte thereof I give and bequeath the same in manner and forme following that is to say fifty pounds parte thereof I give unto my said kinsman John Mannser and the residue thereof I give and bequeath unto the three sonnes of my said kinsman John Mannser that is to say unto Giles, John and Thomas Mannser to bee equally divided and shifted betwixt them in three equall parts and shares and to bee paid unto them at their severall and respective ages of one and twenty yeares. And my will and meaning is and I doe hereby will direct and appoint that the executors and overseers of this my Will or the survivor or survivors of them shall and doe put and place out the moneys by mee before hereby given unto my said kinsman John Mannsers aforesaid three children at interest upon such security reall or personall as they in their discretions shall thinke fitt. And that the said John Mannser the father and his assignes shall and may have receive and take up the interest or profit thereof for and dureing the terme of his naturall life to and for his and their owne use. And my further will and meaning and I doe hereby expressly direct and appoint that if all any or either of the said three children of my said kinsman John Mannser shall happen to bee married in the life time of their said father without the licence and consent of their said father thereunto first had and obtained in writing under his hand by him signed in the presence of two or more credible witnesses whoe shall subscribe their names as witnesses thereunto or if all any or either of the said three children of my said kinsman John Mannser shall or doe any other wayes carry themselves extravagantly or undutifully to their said father that then hee and they and soe many of them as shall soe happen to bee married without such licence or consent as is aforesaid or shall otherwise carry themselves extravagantly or undutifully to their said father shall have noe parte or share of the money by mee before hereby given and bequeathed unto him or them. And that then and in such case the parte or share of him and them which shall soe happen to bee married without such licence or otherwaies carry him or themselves any way extravagantly or undutifully to their said father shall come and bee paid unto such other person or persons as hee the said John Mannser the father shall by his last Will and Testamt or by any other writeing under his hand and seale will give direct limit and appoint the same to bee paid. And I doe hereby make constitute and appoint the aforesaid Robert Watts and John Mannser the father executors of this my Will. Andi doe will direct and appoint that neither of them shall bee chargeable with or for the receipts of the other of them nor with or for any more then what shall come to their respective hands. And I doe nominate and appoint the aforesaid Robert Lovelace and my loveing friend William Park to bee overseers of this my Will and doe earnestly intreate them to bee aiding and assisting to my executors in the due performance and execution thereof. And as a token of my love unto them the said Robert Lovelace and William Park I hereby give and bequeath unto each of them forty shillings. And I doe hereby revoake all former Wills by mee made and to this my last Will conteined in tenn sheetes of paper I have at the bottome or foote of each sheete thereof set my hand and at the top of all of them affixed my seale and published and declared the same to bee my last Will and Testament the day and year first above written after the interlineacon of theire severall words hereinafter mentioned in the severall and respective sheets of this Will likewise hereinafter mentioned that is to say or threescore in the second sheete which have not monethly pay from the parish in the third sheete or threescore in the fourth sheete to in the tenth sheete. Gyles Watts
    In the presence of Jo Purfeild; Hen Purfeild; Rich Freebody
    Proved at London before the Rev Richard Raines, Doctor of Laws &c 23rd March 1686 by Robert Watts & John Mannser the executors to whom was granted admon &c      
    (Transcribed by Dave Woolven, 19/20 July 2021.)
  • Burial*: BW23 Giles Watts was buried on 4 August 1686 at St Mary the Virgin, Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.
  • Probate: His estate was probated on 23 March 1687 at Prerogative Court of Canterbury, London, England.
  • Anecdote: Title: House and land purchased for Giles Watts Charity in 1729
    Date: 1727-1729
    ESRO reference: SHE 5/3/1
    Description: 1 messuage, barn and land in the Borough of Sandlake occupied by [blank] Woodruffe, late Margaret Mason, widow
    2 piece of land (¾ acre) in Sandlake (E, S: demesne lands of Battle; W: road; N: toft where Benjamin Beldum's messuage stood), formerly Richard Mollinex
    3 tenement where a brewhouse stood called Brewhouse Field with an adjoining croft of four acres (E, S: Lidcocks and land formerly John Mason, clerk; W: road from Battle to Hastings; N: customary land late John Ashenden), occupied by [blank] Woodruffe
    purchased by the Parish Officers in 1729 and subsequently used as a workhouse; includes act of Battle Vestry authorising the purchase, 14 Sep 1729
    Bonwick, Burtenshaw and Standen - Lucas - Parish Officers
    Creator(s): Sheppard and Son, Battle, solicitors.


Elizabeth Backe d. 1665


  1. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.
  2. [S1029] Will of Giles Watts of Battle, Sussex, England, made 19 Dec 1657, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 28 Jul 1658. (TNA: PROB 11/281/752).
  3. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.
  4. [S244] Website "Ancestry" (
  5. [S1030] Will of Giles Watts of Battle, Sussex, England, made 20 Jul 1686, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 23 Mar 1687. (TNA: PROB 4/190/28).

Elizabeth Backe

d. 1665
Last Edited: 12 Jan 2025


BW23 Giles Watts b. 22 Dec 1633, d. 1686


  1. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.
  2. [S244] Website "Ancestry" (
  3. [S25] Online Index to Burials, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.

Ann Watts

b. 11 April 1640, d. February 1641


Father: Giles Watts b. c 1605, d. 1657
Mother: Dorothy Yelding d. 1641
Last Edited: 29 Jan 2022


  1. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.
  2. [S25] Online Index to Burials, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.

Mary Maunser

d. 1652
Last Edited: 8 Feb 2022
  • Anecdote*: Mary Maunser is identified through the will of her father Nicholas Maunser, 1653 where he mentions Giles Watts, his son-in-law. In his will of 1674, Nicholas’ grandson – the second Nicholas Manser – left money to his cousins Robert and Mary Watts.
  • Marriage*: Mary Maunser married Giles Watts circa 1641 at England.
  • Death*: Mary Maunser died in 1652 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.
  • Burial*: Mary Maunser was buried on 15 September 1652 at St Mary the Virgin, Battle, Sussex, EnglandB, "wife of Giles."1


Giles Watts b. c 1605, d. 1657


Robert Watts+ b. 18 Sep 1642, d. 1722
Mary Watts+ b. 3 Oct 1644, d. 1721
Alice Watts b. 19 Sep 1647
Ann Watts b. 20 Apr 1651


  1. [S25] Online Index to Burials, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.

Elizabeth Watts

b. 2 October 1631


Father: Giles Watts b. c 1605, d. 1657
Last Edited: 29 Jan 2022


John Manser


  1. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.
  2. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.
  3. [S1029] Will of Giles Watts of Battle, Sussex, England, made 19 Dec 1657, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 28 Jul 1658. (TNA: PROB 11/281/752).

Mary Watts

b. 3 October 1644, d. 1721


Father: Giles Watts b. c 1605, d. 1657
Mother: Mary Maunser d. 1652
Last Edited: 3 Feb 2022


Robert Lovelace d. 1703


Mary Lovelace+ b. 16 Nov 1683, d. 1734


  1. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.
  2. [S1029] Will of Giles Watts of Battle, Sussex, England, made 19 Dec 1657, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 28 Jul 1658. (TNA: PROB 11/281/752).
  3. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.
  4. [S25] Online Index to Burials, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.

Robert Watts

b. 18 September 1642, d. 1722


Father: Giles Watts b. c 1605, d. 1657
Mother: Mary Maunser d. 1652
Last Edited: 9 Feb 2022
  • Baptism*: Robert Watts was baptized on 18 September 1642 at St Mary the Virgin, Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.1
  • He was the son of Giles Watts and Mary Maunser.
  • (Witness) Will: Robert Watts is mentioned in the will of Giles Watts dated 19 December 1657 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.2
  • Marriage*: Robert Watts married Elizabeth (?) circa 1685 at England.
  • (Witness) Will: Robert Watts is mentioned in the will of BW23 Giles Watts dated 20 July 1686 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.3
  • Occupation*: Robert Watts was a mercer in 1698.
  • Anecdote*: Title: Quitclaim of equity of redemption for £50
    Date: 25 Jan 1698
    ESRO reference: SAM 100
    Description: Richard Barker of Crowhurst, gent, son, heir and principal residuary legatee of George Barker of Crowhurst, gent, with John Barker of Hastings, tailor, youngest son and heir according to the custom of the manor of Crowhurst, and Robert Watts of Battle, mercer, to Richard Sampson of Ninfield, distiller and his wife Elizabeth Sampson
    copyhold lands and tenements called Cheesemans (22 acres) held of the manor of Crowhurst
    Recites: surrender by George Barker to John Back, gent, John Purfeild, gent, Robert Watts and his wife Dorothy Barker in trust to sell and pay his debts; mortgage by John Back, John Purfeild and Robert Watts to George Barnesley of Sedlescombe, clerk, for £110 to be paid by Dorothy Barker, 1688; subsequent surrenders vesting the legal estate in John Mills of Hellingly, clerk, who now at the direction of (a) has RB has surrendered the premises to RS, with remainder to ES, for life, remainder to their heirs in tail, remainder to the right heirs of RS; admission of RS; since John Back, John Purfeild and Dorothy Barker are all dead Robert Watts has become sole trustee; RS has agreed with RB and JB for the equity of redemption
    Witnesses: Thomas Jenkin, Thomas Jenkin the younger
    Creator(s): Sampson family of Ninfield.
  • Occupation: Robert Watts was a shopkeeper on 25 October 1698.
  • Anecdote: 25 Mar 1710 Giles Watts, son of Robert Watts, mercer of Battell, app'd to John Handfeild, woolen draper of Ashford Kent. [SRS 28]4
  • Death*: Robert Watts died in 1722 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.
  • Burial*: Robert Watts was buried on 19 November 1722 at St Mary the Virgin, Battle, Sussex, EnglandB, "Mr."5


Elizabeth (?)


Sarah Watts b. 29 Jul 1687
Mary Watts b. 14 Oct 1689
Robert Watts b. 31 Jan 1692/93
Giles Watts+ b. 19 Dec 1695, d. 1734
Ann Watts b. 25 Oct 1698
Elizabeth Watts b. 25 Oct 1698


  1. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.
  2. [S1029] Will of Giles Watts of Battle, Sussex, England, made 19 Dec 1657, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 28 Jul 1658. (TNA: PROB 11/281/752).
  3. [S1030] Will of Giles Watts of Battle, Sussex, England, made 20 Jul 1686, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 23 Mar 1687. (TNA: PROB 4/190/28).
  4. [S266] Index to People, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project, "Source: 1; Entry: 52551."
  5. [S25] Online Index to Burials, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.

Alice Watts

b. 19 September 1647


Father: Giles Watts b. c 1605, d. 1657
Mother: Mary Maunser d. 1652
Last Edited: 29 Jan 2022


  1. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.
  2. [S1029] Will of Giles Watts of Battle, Sussex, England, made 19 Dec 1657, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 28 Jul 1658. (TNA: PROB 11/281/752).

Ann Watts

b. 20 April 1651


Father: Giles Watts b. c 1605, d. 1657
Mother: Mary Maunser d. 1652
Last Edited: 29 Jan 2022


  1. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.
  2. [S1029] Will of Giles Watts of Battle, Sussex, England, made 19 Dec 1657, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 28 Jul 1658. (TNA: PROB 11/281/752).

John Manser

Last Edited: 29 Jan 2022


Elizabeth Watts b. 2 Oct 1631


  1. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.
  2. [S1029] Will of Giles Watts of Battle, Sussex, England, made 19 Dec 1657, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 28 Jul 1658. (TNA: PROB 11/281/752).
  3. [S1030] Will of Giles Watts of Battle, Sussex, England, made 20 Jul 1686, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 23 Mar 1687. (TNA: PROB 4/190/28).

Robert Lovelace

d. 1703
Last Edited: 3 Feb 2022
  • Marriage*: Robert Lovelace married Mary Watts, daughter of Giles Watts and Mary Maunser, on 25 April 1682 at Ashburnham, Sussex, EnglandB.1
  • Anecdote*: Title: Mortgage for £300 with bond
    Date: 17 Mar 1684
    ESRO reference: AMS 5744/100-101
    Description: John Dyne of Brede (formerly of Westfield) gent and his wife Mary (daughter of William Davis of Sedlescombe gent) to Giles Watts and Robert Lovelace both of Battle gents
    Moiety of Poppinghole, Ashland and Youngland; payable at house of Robert Watts in Battle
    Witnesses: Sarah Horne, Jane Bromly, Jo Purfield, Robert Watts, Henry Purfield.
  • (Witness) Will: Robert Lovelace is mentioned in the will of BW23 Giles Watts dated 20 July 1686 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.2
  • Death*: Robert Lovelace died in 1703 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.
  • Burial*: Robert Lovelace was buried on 19 February 1703 at St Mary the Virgin, Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.3
  • Anecdote*: Title: Assignment of mortgage (lease and release)
    Date: 24-25 Jan 1704
    ESRO reference: AMS 5744/105-106
    Description: Mary Lovelace of Burwash (widow of Robert Lovelace) to John Coney junior of Burwash gent
    Property mortgaged by AMS5744/100
    Recites death of Giles Watts, RL's will of 20 Oct 1702, death, renunication of executorship by RL's brother William
    Witnesses: T Jenkin, Thomas Alleyn
    Endorsed: receipt by JC for all dues, 3 Aug 1708.


Mary Watts b. 3 Oct 1644, d. 1721


Mary Lovelace+ b. 16 Nov 1683, d. 1734


  1. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.
  2. [S1030] Will of Giles Watts of Battle, Sussex, England, made 20 Jul 1686, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 23 Mar 1687. (TNA: PROB 4/190/28).
  3. [S25] Online Index to Burials, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.

Robert Raynes

Last Edited: 30 Jan 2022
  • (Witness) Will: Robert Raynes is mentioned in the will of BW2 William Chittenden dated 10 September 1664 at Alfriston, Sussex, EnglandB.1
  • Marriage*: Robert Raynes married Joane Alchorne on 5 April 1670 at Folkington, Sussex, EnglandB, "Mr." of Alfriston, Joane a widow of Chiddingly.2
  • Anecdote*: Short title: Raynes v Chittenden. Plaintiffs: Robert Raynes and Joane Raynes his wife....
    Reference: C 7/296/14
    Raynes v Chittenden.
    Plaintiffs: Robert Raynes and Joane Raynes his wife.
    Defendants: John Chittenden and others.
    Place or subject: property in Alfriston, Sussex, Kent, Hawkhurst, Lullington, Sussex etc.
    Document type: bill only
    Date:     1671
    Held by: The National Archives, Kew.


Joane Alchorne


  1. [S1027] Will of William Chittenden of Alfriston, Sussex, England, made 10 Sep 1664, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 29 Mar 1667. (TNA: PROB 11/323/455).
  2. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.

John Medhurst

b. circa 1590, d. 1653
Last Edited: 8 Jul 2023
  • Birth*: John Medhurst was born circa 1590 at England.
  • Marriage*: John Medhurst married Elizabeth Morris on 28 January 1610/11 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB, spelt MORRYS.1
  • Anecdote: Short title: Medhurst v Medhurst.
    Date: 1621-1625
    Reference: C 3/368/7
    Description: Medhurst v Medhurst.
    Plaintiffs: William Medhurst.
    Defendants: John Medhurst, Elizabeth Medhurst his wife and others.
    Subject: property in Battle, Sussex.
    Document type: [pleadings].
    Held by:     The National Archives, Kew.
  • (Witness) Will: John Medhurst is mentioned in the will of Edward Welsh dated 6 January 1642/43 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.2
  • Occupation: John Medhurst was a chandler in 1650.
  • Will*: John Medhurst left a will made on 8 January 1649/50 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.3
  • Will/Adm Transcript*: Will of John Medherst, Chandler of Battle, 1654
    (TNA: PROB 11/239/305)
    Made: 8 Jan 1649
    Proved: 7 Feb 1653/54
    In the name of God Amen The eighth Day of January Anno Domini 1649 I John Medherst of Battell in the Countye of Sussex Chandler being of good and perfect health and memorye but weake in bodye thanks be given to Almighty God therefore doe ordaine and make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following And First of all as it behooveth all Christian People to doe I give and bequeathe my Soule unto Almighty God my maker hoping that by and through the merrits Death and passion of my sweete Saviour Jesus Christ my Soule shalbe eternally saved And my body to be buried in christian buriall at the discretion of my Executors hereunder named Item I give and bequeath unto the poore aged people of the parish of Battell aforesayd twenty shillings to be distributed amongst them at the Day of my funerall or within tenn Dayes next after by my Executors hereunder named Item I will and give unto Elizabeth my Wife her dwelling in the house wherein I now dwell in Battell aforesayd And alsoe to have the reasonable use and Occupacion of all my household stuffe and Implements of household for and during her Widdowhood and noe longer And if it shall happen that my said Wife shall not accept to dwell in my said house or marry then after such departure out of my said house or marryeing I will and give all my said household stuffe and Implements unto my Sonne William and to his heires forever And if my Wife doe move her dwelling out of my said house before bequeathed unto her then my Will and meaning is that William my Sonne shall pay unto her the summe of foure pounds of good and lawfull money of England yearly during her naturall life Item I give and bequeath unto Mercy my Daughter thirty and five pounds to be paied unto her within one whole yeare next after my decease by my Executors hereunder named Item I give and bequeath unto Ellen my daughter fifteene pounds to be paied unto her within one whole yeare next after my decease by my Executors hereunder named Item I give and bequeath unto Joane my daughter fifteene pounds to be paied unto her within one whole yeare next after my decease by my Executors hereunder named Item I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my daughter tenne pounds to be payed unto her within one whole yeare next after my decease by my Executors hereunder named Item I give and bequeath unto John my Sonne tenn pounds to be paied unto him within one whole yeare next after my decease by my Executors hereunder named Item I give and bequeath unto Richard my Sonne tenne pounds to be paied unto him within one whole yeare next after my decease by my Executors hereunder named Item I give and bequeath unto William my Sonne and to his heires forever my Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances wherein I nowe dwell in Battle aforesaid to have and to hold the same Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances unto him and his heires immediatly from the Day of the marriage of the said Elizabeth my Wife or the Day or her dislike of her dwelling which shall first happen Item I give and bequeath unto the sayd William All my Implements and utensills belonging to my trade of a Chaundler Item I give and bequeath unto William my Sonne my best table in the Parlour and my best livery Cubbord in the Parlour and my best table in the Hall and my furnace in the brewhouse And all my brewing vessells and all my shelves in my said house wherein I now dwell Item I ordeine and make Elizabeth my welbeloved Wife and William my sonne Executors of this my last Will and Testament And I entreate and desire my very loving freinds John Philcox shoomaker and Thomas Nepecker to be my Overseers of this my last Will and Testament and Guides to my Executors for the true performances of all things therein conteined And I will and give to eache of them as a token of my love unto them three shillings and foure pence a peece to be paid unto them within one month next after my decease by my Executors herein before named In witnesse I have hereunto set my hand unto each leafe being three in number And my Seale unto the forefront of them the day and yeare first above written John Medhurst . In the presence of Samuell Warrey William Hamon Abraham Leonard .
    Probate: Westminster, 7th February 1653/4 to Elizabeth the relict and William the son named in the will.
    (Transcribed by Claire Wickens, 3rd February 2022 for Geoffrey Barber.)
  • Occupation*: John Medhurst was a mercer in 1652.
  • Anecdote*: Title: Counterpart lease for 21 years from 29 September 1652 at £12
    Date: 4 Sep 1652
    ESRO reference: HEH/BA/VOL 67/15
    Description: Francis [Browne], viscount Montague to John Medhurst of Battle, mercer, and his son William Medhurst of Battle
    Six pieces of land (25 acres), part of the Little Park of Battle, lately disparked, occupied by JM or WM
    timber, wood and underwood and the liberty to enter and take it reserved; the rent payable at Battle House
    Witnesses: John Tourner, Thomas Manhood.
  • Death*: John Medhurst died in 1653 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.
  • Burial*: John Medhurst was buried on 3 September 1653 at St Mary the Virgin, Battle, Sussex, EnglandB, "Senior."4
  • Probate: His estate was probated on 7 February 1653/54 at Prerogative Court of Canterbury, London, England.


Elizabeth Morris


Mercy Medhurst b. c 1612
Eleanor Medhurst b. 8 Oct 1614
William Medhurst b. 22 Nov 1616, d. b 1693
Joane Medhurst b. 15 Aug 1619
Elizabeth Medhurst b. 17 May 1623
John Medhurst BW21+ b. c 1625, d. Dec 1689
Richard Medhurst b. 24 Mar 1625/26


  1. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.
  2. [S1033] Will of Edward Welsh of Battle, Sussex, England, made 6 Jan 1642/43, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 4 May 1647. (TNA: PROB 11/200/228).
  3. [S1034] Will of John Medherst of Battle, Sussex, England, made 8 Jan 1649, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 7 Feb 1653/54. (TNA: PROB 11/239/305).
  4. [S25] Online Index to Burials, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.

William Medhurst

b. 22 November 1616, d. before 1693


Father: John Medhurst b. c 1590, d. 1653
Mother: Elizabeth Morris
Last Edited: 4 Feb 2022
  • Baptism*: William Medhurst was baptized on 22 November 1616 at St Mary the Virgin, Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.1
  • He was the son of John Medhurst and Elizabeth Morris.
  • Marriage*: William Medhurst married Margery Walter on 21 June 1640 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.2
  • Anecdote: In the document below, William is identified as a mariner. This may be connected to his father's trade as a mercer, as they dealt with imported goods.
  • Anecdote*: Title: Assignment: Counterpart
    Date:1 Oct 1654
    ESRO reference:MIL 4/1/5
    Description: Anne Carleton of Fairlight, widow and executrix of the last will and testament of George Carleton, late of Fairlight, gentleman, deceased, to William Medhurst of Battle, mariner, and Nicholas Fowle of Westfield, yeoman
    - (Cites Demise: John Duncke of Hastings, gentleman, to George Carleton; A tenement and 60 acres of land called the Old Mill Farm, in Westfield, and 12 acres of fresh marsh in the Level of Hooe. All of which premises were then in the in the occupation of George Carleton
    Reservations of timber and rights of way
    For 7 years; rent £48)
    - Anne Carleton assigns this Demise to William Medhurst and Nicolas Fowle
    Creator(s): Collier, Milward and Sayer families, Hastings.
  • Marriage*: William Medhurst married Mary Snow on 30 March 1657 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB, Mary a widow.2
  • Anecdote: Title: Lease for 21 years from 29 September 1659 at 52 10s 0d
    Date: 31 Oct 1659
    ESRO reference: HEH/BA/VOL 67/17
    Francis [Browne], viscount Montague to William Medhurst of Battle, yeoman
    Messuage, with fields formerly part of Marley Farm called The Barn Meadows (7 acres), Rye Gratten adjoining (6 acres) and The Brook (8 acres) all N of the wood called The Little North Bathurst; The Fellond Field (11 acres), The Sheepelond Field (10 acres), the two old gardens (7 acres), four pieces called The Wellondes (30 acres), three called Corneses Land (11 acres), The Oxpasture (9 acres); four pieces called The Ashen Shaws (30 acres), once part of the Little Park of Battle, The Powder Mill Croft and The Malthouse Croft (2 acres), all in Battle, occupied by WM, late Henry Snow and John Foster
    with liberty to make marl-pits and to take marl in the adjoining Petley Wood in a rod of ground to be assigned by FB's officers; timber, wood and underwood and the liberty to enter and take it reserved; the rent payable at Battle House; agricultural covenants
    Witnesses: Edward Lewkenor, John Tourner, Francis Complen, John Walton
    Endorsed: an allowance of 8 cords of wood for firewood, to be assigned on the stub within two miles of the farm.
  • Death*: William Medhurst died before 1693 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.
  • Anecdote: Title: Counterpart lease for 7 years from 25 March 1693 at 20
    Date: 1 May 1693
    ESRO reference: HEH/BA/VOL 68/29
    Francis [Browne], viscount Montague to John Furner of Battle, yeoman
    1 Barn called The Little Park Barn with the close or gate-room enclosed from the field to its W
    2 land formerly part of the Little Park called The Barnfield (at the E of the barn) with the adjoining stumblet, The Lodgefield to its E with the adjoining little croft, the field E of the Lodgefield with the adjoining lane (adjoining the lands occupied by Michael Martin and Thomas Westerne, esq, and to a field, part of the Little Park, occupied by Thomas Gilbert)
    3 land formerly part of the Little Park, lately occupied by William Medhurst, deceased (between Marley Lane, the gill between the land occupied by Westerne and the Barnfield, and abutting the land occupied by Westerne, a piece belonging to Thomas Smith the elder of Battle, a piece belonging to Battle Deanery and to The Barnfield)
    4 all the corn-tithes of the land
    timber and trees, quarries of stone and iron, and the liberty to enter, make sawpits and coal-pits and take them, reserved; game, hunting, hawking, fishing and fowling reserved; the rent payable at Battle House
    Witnesses: Ralph Stapler, Robert Furner, Samuel Brewer the younger.

Family 1:

Margery Walter d. 1655

Family 2:

Mary Snow


  1. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.
  2. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.

Richard Medhurst

b. 24 March 1625/26


Father: John Medhurst b. c 1590, d. 1653
Mother: Elizabeth Morris
Last Edited: 4 Feb 2022
  • Baptism*: Richard Medhurst was baptized on 24 March 1625/26 at St Mary the Virgin, Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.1
  • He was the son of John Medhurst and Elizabeth Morris.
  • (Witness) Will: Richard Medhurst is mentioned in the will of John Medhurst dated 8 January 1649/50 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.2
  • Marriage*: Richard Medhurst married Dorothy Wimble on 8 August 1653 at Playden, Sussex, EnglandB.3
  • Anecdote*: Title: Copy of Will of BARTHOLOMEW JEFFERY of Battle, yeoman
    Date: 30 Nov 1647
    ESRO reference: ASH 4501/645
    Description: Body to be buried in the parish church of Battle. - to Poor of Battle 40s
    To sisters, Ann Burton, widow, and sister Revell 12d each. Cozen Richard Cozen and his 5 children - David Jeffery's two children, - Eight children of Richard Farncombe of Battle - 20s. apiece
    Cozens Bennett Jeffery and Ann Crutenden, widow
    Ann Wimble, daughter of William Wimble of Ashburnham deceased. and 5 children of the said William Wimble. Ann Cruttenden, daughter of the said Ann Cruttenden - Four children of William Walker of Battle, yeoman
    Elizabeth Elphick, daughter of Thomas Elphick of Penhurst. Godson, Thomas Coberne of Wartling
    To wife Elizabeth, messuage in Battle where testator dwelt and all messuages, lands &c. in Ashburnham and Penhurst absolutely
    Lands called Huntlyes in Battle may be sold for payment of legacies
    Wife Elizabeth executrix and residuary legatee
    Overseers, brother-in-law, William Walker and friend Henry Sheather of Battle
    Memo., 17 March, 1653, revoking legacy to Dorothy Wimble then the wife of Richard Medhurst of Battle.


Dorothy Wimble


  1. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.
  2. [S1034] Will of John Medherst of Battle, Sussex, England, made 8 Jan 1649, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 7 Feb 1653/54. (TNA: PROB 11/239/305).
  3. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.

Elizabeth Morris

Last Edited: 4 Feb 2022
  • Married Name: As of 28 January 1610/11, her married name was Medhurst.
  • Marriage*: Elizabeth Morris married John Medhurst on 28 January 1610/11 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB, spelt MORRYS.1
  • (Witness) Will: Elizabeth Morris is mentioned in the will of John Medhurst dated 8 January 1649/50 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.2


John Medhurst b. c 1590, d. 1653


Mercy Medhurst b. c 1612
Eleanor Medhurst b. 8 Oct 1614
William Medhurst b. 22 Nov 1616, d. b 1693
Joane Medhurst b. 15 Aug 1619
Elizabeth Medhurst b. 17 May 1623
John Medhurst BW21+ b. c 1625, d. Dec 1689
Richard Medhurst b. 24 Mar 1625/26


  1. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.
  2. [S1034] Will of John Medherst of Battle, Sussex, England, made 8 Jan 1649, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 7 Feb 1653/54. (TNA: PROB 11/239/305).

Margery Walter

d. 1655
Last Edited: 30 Jan 2022


William Medhurst b. 22 Nov 1616, d. b 1693


  1. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.
  2. [S25] Online Index to Burials, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.

Mary Snow

Last Edited: 30 Jan 2022


William Medhurst b. 22 Nov 1616, d. b 1693


  1. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.

John Medhurst BW21

b. circa 1625, d. December 1689
Token issued by John Medhurst at Battle, undated (obverse)


Father: John Medhurst b. c 1590, d. 1653
Mother: Elizabeth Morris
Last Edited: 8 Jul 2023
  • Birth*: John Medhurst BW21 was born circa 1625 at Sussex, England.
  • He was the son of John Medhurst and Elizabeth Morris.
  • Anecdote*: John's baptism has not been found but he is mentioned in his father's. The will lists all the children and the order of the listing suggests that John was born after Elizabeth and before Richard, i.e. c1625.
  • (Witness) Will: John Medhurst BW21 is mentioned in the will of John Medhurst dated 8 January 1649/50 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.1
  • Marriage*: John Medhurst BW21 married Elizabeth Moore on 13 May 1650 at Mountfield, Sussex, EnglandB.
  • Anecdote: John Medhurst's sister Elizabeth married at Mountfield two weeks earlier on 30 Apr 1650. They must have been close as she was left a legacy in John's will proved in 1690.
  • Occupation*: John Medhurst BW21 was a haberdasher (recorded on his son's baptism) in 1652.
  • Marriage*: John Medhurst BW21 married Joane (?) circa 1660 at England.
  • Anecdote: The only marriage found is: John Medhurst and Joane Glanfeilde married 24 Oct 1658 at St George the Martyr, Southwark, Surrey, England.2
  • Anecdote: John Medhurst issued an undated farthing token (BW22) at Battle showing the Grocers' coat of arms. The fact that the token has the Grocer’s coat of arms is not unusual. It may indicate that he sold a variety of goods at his shop. The initials I.I.M. on the reverse side are John's initial (I, meaning J for John), his wife's intial (I, meaning J for Joane) and M for Medhurst. This means that the token was issued after John married Joan.
  • Occupation: John Medhurst BW21 was a draper on 23 May 1678.
  • Anecdote: 23 May 1678: "By Sir THOMAS DYKE of Horam in Waldron, bart., to the Hon. WILLIAM ASHBURNHAM of the manor of Ittington co. Sussex, and a messuage or tenement called Woodsdale alias Hoodsdale otherwise Woodsdale farm and all woods, lands &c. belonging
    Also lands called Hucksteep or Hucksteep farm; both the said farms being in the occupation of John Medhurst of Battle, draper". (ESRO: ASH 4501/1027.)
  • Occupation: John Medhurst BW21 was a mercer in 1689.
  • Anecdote: BIOGRAPHY
    John’s father was a chandler, so it is almost certain that his grocery store also sold candles. Someone in the family is likely to have continued the trade, possibly his brother William who inherited all his father’s tools and equipment. John was the second son of his father, John Medhurst, who died in 1654. His father left his property (messuage and tenement) along with his tools of trade to his eldest son, William. To his younger sons John and Richard he left £10 each and to his daughters varying sums of £35, £15 and £10. It is possible that John’s father paid for an apprenticeship for him, a common way of compensating younger sons who would not inherit the family property.
    John is described in the church records as haberdasher in 1652 and a mercer on his will in 1689, yet his token has the Grocers’ Arms. This points to some potential overlap between John Medhurst’s store and Giles Watts’ mercer shop, so maybe his goods also included some haberdashery and cloth. They both dealt with imported goods, each with their own supply networks and each looking to make money in a small town. However, we can probably surmise that John Medhurst’s business was more akin to a general trader who dealt with a wider range of lower value goods. He and his father’s wills show that they were not wealthy and his shop is unlikely to have been a serious competitor to the Watts family of mercers.
    John Medhurst’s token has his wife Joan’s initial “J”, showing this was issued sometime after his second marriage circa 1660.
    John died in 1689 at Battle, and was survived by his wife Joane and two married sons. His will leaves the sons £5 each and lesser amounts to grandchildren while Joane received the remainder and the house for the duration of her natural life.
  • Will*: John Medhurst BW21 left a will made on 13 December 1689 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.3
  • Will/Adm Transcript*: Will of John Medhurst, Mercer of Battle, 1690
    (TNA: PROB 11/399/129)
    Made: 13 Dec 1689
    Proved: 7 Apr 1690
    In the Name of God Amen the 13th of December 1689 accordinge to the Computation of the Church of England I John Medhurst of Battell in the County of Sussex Mercer being of perfect memory and remembrance praised bee God doe make and ordaine this my Last Will and Testament in manner and forme following first I bequeath my Soule into the hands of Allmighty God my maker hopeing that through the meritorious death and passion of Jesus my onely Saviour and Redeemer to receive free pardon and forgiveness for all my sinns And for my body to bee buried in Christian buriall at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter nominated Item I give unto my sonn John Medhurst five pounds Item I give unto my sonn Thomas Medhurst the summe of five pounds Item I give unto my sonn John Medhurst and his wife And to my sonn Thomas Medhurst and his wife And to my sister Elizabeth Hunt of Brenchly and to Mrs Mary Richardson of Hastings that Boardeth with my son John to every and other of them one gould ringe a peece of the vallue of betweene sixteene and Twenty shillings every Ringe to weare in remembrance of mee Item I give Unto my son John Medhurst his two daughters Elizabeth and Mary Medhurst forty shillings a peece to ether of them to buy 2 peeces of Plate for either of them at the discretion of my Executrix to keepe in remem[-]brance of mee Item I give unto my brother Thomas Medhurst all my wearing Apparrell of all sortes except my coate with the Plate buttons And 3 months board after my decease Item I give unto the poore of the Parrish of Battell Thirty shillings to bee disposed of according to the discretion of my Executrix Item I give unto Joane my wife the now dwelling house that I now live in all the appurtenances thereunto beelonging dureing her naturall life according as I have formerly made it to her And after her decease to my sonne Thomas Medhurst and his Wife dureinge theire or either of their lives and to heires of my sonne Thomas if hee have any for ever according as it is made to her in marryage And for want of such Issue if my son Thomas shall dye without any heyre then my will is that it shall goe to my son John Medhurst and his heires for ever Item all the rest of my goods and debts whatsoever I give unto Joane my wife to dispose of as shee according to her discretion shall think best to doe upon Condition that shee shall pay my debts and Legacies and make her sole Executrix of this my Last will and Testament revokeinge all other wills and Testaments John Medhurst signed sealed and published in the presence of Robert Carrick Thomas Medhurst Jo. Purfield who subscribed theire names as witnesses hereunto in the presence of the Testator
    Probate: London, 7th April 1690 to Joane Medhurst, relict and executrix.
    (Transcribed by Claire Wickens, 30th January 2022 for Geoffrey Barber.)
  • Death*: John Medhurst BW21 died in December 1689 at Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.
  • Burial*: John Medhurst BW21 was buried on 27 December 1689 at St Mary the Virgin, Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.4
  • Probate: His estate was probated on 7 April 1690 at Prerogative Court of Canterbury, London, England.

Family 1:

Elizabeth Moore d. c 1660


John Medhurst+ b. 24 Mar 1651/52
Thomas Medhurst b. 21 Aug 1656
Ellen Medhurst b. 26 Oct 1658

Family 2:

Joane (?)


  1. [S1034] Will of John Medherst of Battle, Sussex, England, made 8 Jan 1649, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 7 Feb 1653/54. (TNA: PROB 11/239/305).
  2. [S244] Website "Ancestry" (
  3. [S1028] Will of John Medhurst of Battle, Sussex, England, made 13 Dec 1689, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 7 Apr 1690. (TNA: PROB 11/399/129).
  4. [S25] Online Index to Burials, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.

John Medhurst

b. 24 March 1651/52


Father: John Medhurst BW21 b. c 1625, d. Dec 1689
Mother: Elizabeth Moore d. c 1660
Last Edited: 31 Jan 2022

Family 1:

Elizabeth Turnis d. 1704


Mary Medhurst b. 26 Sep 1688
Elizabeth Medhurst b. 31 Mar 1689
William Medhurst b. 29 Mar 1691
Thomas Medhurst b. 9 Apr 1693, d. 1694
Mary Medhurst b. 19 May 1700

Family 2:

Ann Wilson


Thomas Medhurst b. 4 May 1707, d. May 1707
William Medhurst b. 26 Feb 1709/10
Anne Medhurst b. 18 Jun 1712
Thomas Medhurst b. 8 May 1713


  1. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.
  2. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.
  3. [S1028] Will of John Medhurst of Battle, Sussex, England, made 13 Dec 1689, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 7 Apr 1690. (TNA: PROB 11/399/129).

Eleanor Medhurst

b. 8 October 1614


Father: John Medhurst b. c 1590, d. 1653
Mother: Elizabeth Morris
Last Edited: 31 Jan 2022


  1. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.
  2. [S1034] Will of John Medherst of Battle, Sussex, England, made 8 Jan 1649, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 7 Feb 1653/54. (TNA: PROB 11/239/305).

BW20 Thomas Manhood

b. 16 April 1615
Token issued by Thomas Manhood at Battle, undated (obverse)


Father: John Manhood
Mother: Joan Barlooe
Last Edited: 8 Jul 2023
  • Baptism*: BW20 Thomas Manhood was baptized on 16 April 1615 at St Mary the Virgin, Battle, Sussex, EnglandB.1
  • He was the son of John Manhood and Joan Barlooe.
  • Name Variation: BW20 Thomas Manhood was also known as Thomas Manwood.
  • Anecdote: Thomas MANHOOD issued an undated halfpenny token (Sussex BW20) at Battle which gives his occupation as apothecary.
  • Occupation*: BW20 Thomas Manhood was an apothecary.
  • Anecdote: BIOGRAPHY
    There is not a lot of information to be found on Thomas Manhood/Manwood. Despite being married (as indicated on his token), a marriage cannot be found and neither can baptisms for any children. Although Thomas was born at Battle, it is not a common surname in Sussex. Further research may show that he was a religious non-conformist, possibly Catholic, which could explain his absence from many of the records. Evidence for this suspicion is that a Chrisoganus Manhood of Battle, gent, was on a register of Papists’ Estates in 1717. His token is the only halfpenny to be issued at Battle, the rest being farthings. It is therefore likely to have been issued 1667-70, the period when all dated halfpennies were issued in Sussex.
  • Anecdote: Title: Writ of arrest to answer certain trespasses and offences
    Date: 12-13 Jan 1660
    ESRO reference: QR 126/49
    Description: Edward Longley of Worth, husbandman, John Weston the younger of Rotherfield, Adam Cosham of the parish of St John under the castle in Lewes, clerk, Richard Isted of Uckfield, husbandman, Thomas Treep of Maresfield, husbandman, John Broad of Barcombe, husbandman, Thomas Lashmer of Folkington, yeoman, John Craven of East Grinstead, gentleman, Thomas Page of Crawley, husbandman, John Teague of Lindfield, husbandman, Mary, wife of John Hersey of Cuckfield, collyer, Henry Weeks of Crowhurst, yeoman, John Kenward the elder of Heathfield, Timothy Wilson, butcher, John White, labourer, John Wilson, innholder and Richard Wilding, husbandman, all of Salehurst, Thomas Manwood of Battle, William Neve of Cuckfield, husbandman
    Creator(s): Sussex Quarter Sessions, c 1350-1914; Sussex Quarter Sessions, Eastern Division, c 1550-1914; East Sussex Quarter Sessions, 1914-1970.
  • Anecdote*: Title: Fines by protestation
    Date: 12-13 Jan 1660
    ESRO reference: QR 126/55
    Description: Thomas Manwood of Battle discharged without fine for the insufficiency of the indictment of record against him.
    Edward Hope, waived his traverse, fined 20s by protestation.
    John Leaver, pleaded not guilty, fined 12d by protestation.
    Stephen Morris, otherwise Usher, pleaded not guilty, fined 6d by protestation.


  1. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.