John Thorpe

b. circa 1527, d. 1607
Last Edited: 8 May 2023
  • Birth*: John Thorpe was born circa 1527 at England.
  • Anecdote: John Thorpe's birth c1527 is based on a document which gives his age as 75 years in 1602 (TNA: SAS/G43/41B - see later below.)
  • Marriage*: John Thorpe married Alice Bowett circa 1560 at England.
  • Anecdote: Note that one page in the original parish register is missing between 23 Apr 1578 and 1 Mar 1578/79. Also, there are no surviving burial records for St Swithun, East Grinstead before 18 Jan 1574/75.1
  • Anecdote: Date:     1602
    Plaintiff's interrogatories and depositions in Guldeford v Crowcher in the court of wards
    The National Archives: SAS/G43/41B
    Description: Taken at East Grinstead before Sackville Torner, esq, [William Gainsford, esq deleted] and Thomas Woodgate, gent, 12 Apr 1602 <27 Feb 1602>
    Roger Harlinge of Worth, yeoman, 70; John Comber of Shermanbury, gent, 69; Thomas Thorpe of Horne, gent, 36; Thomas Bawcombe of East Grinstead, yeoman, 50; John Goodwyn of East Grinstead, gent, 50
    John Thorpe the elder of Worth, gent, 75; examined before Thomas Frere and John Comber, gent [steward of the manor of Hedgecourt], 22 May 1602.
  • Anecdote*: The following information is quoted from Alan Taylor's research on the THORPE line:
    "Thorpe is a Danish word meaning village. It has been used as a village name in several parts of the country, including one near Chertsey in Surrey. Within this village of Thorpe there was a manor of Middleton whose lords took their name from the manor and were also called Middleton. During the thirteenth century there is recorded a sub manor named Graveneys after Roger de GRAVENEY, it's lord. By the fourteenth century the Manor of Graveneys was in the hands of a family of the name of THORPE. Their antecedents are uncertain, but it is at least possible that they are the family whose name can be traced intermittently during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries in the records of Chertsey Abbey, landlords of most of the village of Thorpe."
    "The genealogy of the dominical family is unclear. The following members are attested:
    1.     John, M.P. for Surrey, 1388 to 1389 and 1389 to 1390.
    2.     John, landowner in Surrey and Kent, 1412 to 1434; his wife was called Elizabeth. He may be the same as
    3.     John, who held the manor and passed it, on his death, to his son, also called
    4.     John, at whose death it passed to his only daughter,
    5.     Alice, who married Robert OSBERNE but was divorced, and remarried before 1456 a man surnamed FLEMYNG; she inherited her father's lands c1467, sold them to Thomas Belleter 146869, and died c1470.
    6.     Piers, a kinsman of Alice who died before her leaving a widow, Agnes, who remarried William SKERN whose heir, Edmund SKERN claimed to have an interest in Alice's estate.
    Beside Piers there were other junior branches of the family including a couple settled at Kent during the fifteenth and sixteenth ceunturies. Among these junior kinsmen was John Thorpe, ironmaster of Hedgcourt in the parish of Horne, Surrey who married Alice BOWETT."
    "John Thorpe was ironmaster of Hedgcourt in the parish of Horne, Surrey. He may have been the son of John and Ursula Thorpe of Crawley, Sussex but this is only just supposition. He rented Hedgcourt from the GAGE family, and also held lands at Cudworth in Newdigate parish and in Ifield and Hurstpierpoint parishes in Sussex, all of which would appear to have formed his wife's inheritence. She was Alice, daughter of Richard BOWETTand sister and heiress of Thomas and Nicholas BOWETT. Her ancestry can be traced back to Richard, brother of Henry Bowett Archbishop of York who died in 1423, and probably to Thomas Bowett, landowner in Cumberland and Westmorland in the reign of Edward II."
    "Alice died in 1594 and was buried at East Grinstead. In due course John seems to have retired to the life of a country gentleman at Worth, Sussex, where he wrote his will on 10 October 1606 (pr. P.C.C. 2 May 1607). He and Alice had (at least) seven children."
    Alan Taylor later wrote in another letter:
    "I am sure there is more to be discovered (about the BOWETTS) and fairly easily. The following is from Surrey and Sussex Archeological Collections and the Victoria County Histories:
    Thomas Bowett held lands in Cumberland and Westmorland in the right of his wife during the reign of Ed.III; she was one of three coheiresses of someone called Lebrun. They may be parents of Thomas, who bought lands in Cumberland 10.Ric.II (10th year of the reign of Richard II); married Margaret with issue:
     Henry, Archbishop of York, died 1423.
     Sir William, married Joan, dau. and cohss of Sir Robert de Ufford.
     Richard, married Ela, another dau/cohss of Robert de Ufford, heiress to parts of Hurstpierpoint in Sussex which later came by descent to John Thorpe.
    Richard Bowett and Ela are probably parents of John Bowett of Great Bookham, Surrey, 12 and 16.Hen.VI. who is father of:
    - Edith, died 1444, wife of William Newdigate of Harefield, Middlesex.
    - her brother, name unknown, who is father of Richard, who bought Cudworth, also later a Thorpe inheritence.
    This Richard is father of:
     Thomas, died 1574 without issue.
     Nicholas, sold Cudworth to John Thorpe 1579; died without issue.
     Alice, wife of John Thorpe. Bowett heiress."
  • Will*: John Thorpe left a will made on 10 October 1606 at Worth, Surrey, England.2
  • Will/Adm Transcript*: "In the name of God Amen this tenth day of October Anno Domini one thousand six hundred and sixe. I John Thorpe of Worth in the country of Sussex gentleman being sicke in body but of good and perfect memorie praised be God therefore daily [expectinge] the dissolution of my aged and fraile fleshe, hereby utterly revoking all former wills by me heretofore made, doe nowe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following. First I commend my soule in to the hands of the Almightie, and my most mercifull God…… [hopinge] to be saved by the … … and passion of my saviour Christ …., my body I leave to the earth from whence it was taken to be ….. buried at the [direction] of my ….., And as for the …inge of that temporall state which it hath pleased God to …… uppon me. First I doe give and bequeath unto the poore of the parish of Worth the some of fortie shillings to be distributed at the discretion of [Maithew] Linton parson thence and myne executors hereafter named. And to the repairing of the Church of Worth the some of Twentie Shillings to be bestowed by the discretion of the churchwardens there for the tyme beinge, both those somes to be paid within two months after my decease. Item I give and bequeath unto the poore of the parish of Horne the some of fortie shillings to be distributed at the discretion of the parson there for the tyme being and of my executors. Item I give the some of twentie shillings to the repairing of the parish church of Horne, to be bestowed by the discretion of the churchwardens theire for the time being and by myne executors both which somes to be paid within two monthes after me decease. Item I doe give and bequeth to Richard Thorpe, George Thorpe, William Thorpe, and Alice Thorpe the [fower] children of my sonne Thomas and to John Turner the sonne of Mercie my daughter the wife of George Turner of Lingfield, to each of them the some of one hundred pounds to be paid to theize …. within two years after my decease uppon suriety given to myne executors hereafter named that their severall portions shalbe [finlit] paid unto them severallie, at their severall ages of one and twentie years, and imployed in the mean tyme for theire severall proffitte and benefitt. Item I give to Thomas Thorpe my sonne my whole lease or terme of years in Hedgecourte, and all the landes thereunto belonginge, and all things conteyned in the same lease for the whole term or number of years therin yet to come and ….. except the last yeare of the paid terme only if he the said Thomas Thorpe my sonne shall for longe lyve, the residue of the said terme I give and bequeath unto the eldest sonne of the said Thomas Thorpe, which shalbe living at the tyme of the [decease] of the said Thomas my sonne. Item I give unto Gyles Thorpe my sonne the some of fiftie pounds to be paid unto him within two years after my decease. Item I give unto my sister Julian Wood the some of five pounds and to her daughter Margarett, the some of five pounds, and to John [Stanley] sonne of the said Julyan the some of five pounds, and to one other brother of the said John Stanley dwelling in [Somthmarke] a joyner the some of five pounds to be paid unto them within one year after my decease. Item I doe give unto my said daughter Marey Turner the some of fiftie pounds to be paid unto her within two years after my decease. Item I give unto Richard Ledger my servant the house wherin he [once] dwelleth and the lands thereunto belonginge now in the occupation of the said Richard Ledger himself and also all that parcell of grownde parcell of [covinglye] now in the occupation of one William Blundell or his assigns for the terme of fifteen years next after my decease payinge therefore yearly during the said terme the yearly rent of five pounds at the usuall feastes of Saint Michaell the Archangell, and the annunciation of the virgin Mary in equal portions, To such person or persons as shall have the estate and interest of and in my lease of Hedgecourte duringe the said terme by force of this my will Item I will and bequeath unto Andrewe Turner my servant the house and lands now in his tenure and occupation, for the terme of fifteen years, [nigh] after my decease, payinge therefore yearly during the said terme the rent of five pounds at the two feastes stated aforesaid, to my person or persons as shall have the estate and interest in my lease of Hedgecourt during the said terme, Provided allways and uppon condition that the said Richard Ledger and Andrew Turner, and their severall Executors and administrators shall severallie [lease] their severall houses and lands to them devised as aforesaid during the said terme with convenient [reporations] and [in…res], and shall not comitt any volountary [wast] in any parte of those premisses to them demised as aforesaid nor dispose of the said houses and lands, to any other person or persons, then to their severall wives or children, without the speciall virtue of such person or persons as shall for that tyme have the estate and interest in my said lease of Hedgecourte first had and obtained . Item I give to John Wallis of [New]digate the elder, my farmer, the some of tenne pounds, and to John Wallis his sonne my servant the some of fortie shillings to be paid unto them within one year after my decease. Item I give to Ellenor Ledger my goddaughter the some of fortie shillings to be paid unto her within one year after my decease. Item I give to Edmond Robinson servant to my sonne Thomas Thorpe fortie shillings to be paid within one year after my decease. Item I doe give to the widdowe [Nicholas] servant to my daughter Thorpe at Hedgecourt, the some of five pounds, to be paid within one year after my decease. Item I doe give to Anne [Top]field servant to my sonne Thomas twentie shillings to be paid within one year after my decease. Item I doe give to Thomas Boorer servant to my sonne Thomas fortie shillings to be paid within two years after my decease. Item I doe give to George Ashburner the sonne of Edward Ashburner of [Greene] in Sussex the some of tenne pounds to be paid when he shall have accomplished his full age of one and twenty years. Item I give unto Alice Ashburner sister by the said George the some of five pounds to be paid unto her at her daye of marriage or when she shall have accomplished her age of eighteen years, which of them thait first happen. Item I doe give to John [Topner], and to fortie foote, and to Robert [Rawling] servants to my sonne Thomas, to each of them fortie shillings, to be paid within four years after my decease. Item I give unto Richard Thorpe my grandchild the sonne of my eldest sonne John Thorpe, the some of three hundred pounds to be paid unto him and his age of threee and twenty years, upon condition that the said Richard Thorpe doe before the ret…. thereof make unto John Thorpe his brother a sufficient …case and discharge in [lewe] of all such rents Annuities … estates, as I have heretofore granted or assigned, or caused to be granted or assigned to him or to his use out of the Manor of farme of [Cridworth], or out of my lands in [Nri]digate or any other my lands in the county of Surry. And if it shall happen the said Richard Thorpe to die before his age of three and twentie years, then my will is that the said three hundred pounds shall be paid unto George Thorpe, and William Thorpe the sonnes of Thomas Thorpe my sonne, and to Alice Thorpe daughter of my said sonne Thomas or the survivor of them equallie. And my will and meaning is that the said some of three hundred pounds shall be delivered to myne executors hereafter named within one year after my decease to my trustie friends John [Delathamber] of Rodmell in the county of Surrey gentleman, George Turner of Lingfield in the county of Sussex gentleman, Anthony Linton of Worth in the said county of Sussex, [Clerke], and Richard Heath of [Lewis] in the said county gentleman or to the survivor of them they [puttinge] in sufficient bond unto myne executors to repair the same according to this my will uppon special trust and confident that they shall employe the same to the benefit of the said Richard Thorpe my grandchild accordinge to their good directions . Item I give to Alice Thorpe my grandchild, the daughter of John Thorpe my eldest sonne the some of one hundred pounds to be paid unto her at her age of eighteen years or day of her marriage which of them shall first happen, and my will and meaning is that the said some of one hundred pounds shall be delivered unto the said John [Delathamber] in one year after my decease uppon surietie given to myne executors to discharge him for the best benefit of the said Alice. Item I give to my sonne John Thorpe [although] his behaviour unto me hitherto hath [defered] not remeberance of him at all the some of one hundred pounds which my will is shall not be paid or delivered unto him self but shall be delivered and paid unto my good friends aforesaid John Delathamber, George Turner, Anthony Linton and Richard Heath or the survivor of them within five years after decease, by them to be disposed for his maintenance at their good directions. And as [for to] [mirthe] of my said will as E…nith the disposinge of my lease of Hedgecourt and althings therein to belonginge I make my said fewer friends John Delathamber George Turner, Anthony Linton and Richard Heath myne Executors. And as concerning the residue of my said will I make and ordaine my sonne Thomas Thorpe my sole executor unto whome after my depts and legacies paid and funeralls in convenient and decent [forte] performed I give the residue of my goodes and chattells not bequethed. And I [intriate] my said former friends to be my overseers to that parte of my said will, and I give to each of them the some of five pounds of current money to be bestowed by [everie] of them at their directions for a remembrance of me. And further my will and meaninge is that my said executor Thomas Thorpe shall put in bond with two sufficient [sureties] unto my said overseers or to the survivor or survivors of them with condition for the true performance of this my last will, before he take upon him the [execution] thereof or as my will unto him to be void. In witness of which my last will, I have left my hand and seale and published the same in the presence of the whole named are underwritten, By me John Thorpe, Robert Heath [junior] John Greene. I John Thorpe [of worth] in the county of sussex gentleman beinge in good and perfect rememberance thanks be to almighty god this eighteenth of February one thousand and six hundred and sixe doe add and annexe this Codecill followinge unto my last will and testament aforesaid in manner followinge, That whereas William [En]ssell, and Edmonde Gammon citizens of London doe owe unto me the some of five hundred pounds for whith they have given their bond of one thousand pounds unto John Delathamber of Rodmell in the county of Sussex gentleman, dated the five and twentieth daie of August now late past, [it] was and is intended to the use of me the said John Thorpe, [onely]. And whereas Gyles Fleminge and Edmond T[urwill] citizens and executors of London doe owe unto me the some of [four] hundred and forty pounds payable of the feast day of St. Michaell the Archangell now next [ensuinge] by their hand dated the first and twentieth of August now last past. All [these] somes of money amount in all to nyne hundred and fortie pounds, my will and meaning is that my trusty friends John Delathamber George Turner Anthony Linton and Richard Heath in my said will mentioned shall have and [receive] the said severall somes os for minth thereof as my self in my life tyme shall, not imploye or bestowe to the … hereafter mentioned to the intent and purpose that they of the survivor of them or their executors or administrators shall dispose and have out the same and br…ye therein at their good discretions, [from] the lands tenements herediments as they can pr..ise and purchase for that money, and shall cause the same to be conveyed and assigned unto the use of John Thorpe eldest sonne of my sonne John Thorpe and of the heired males of his body lawfully begotten, and for lack of such issue, to the use of Richard Thorpe second sonne of John Thorpe my sonne, and of the heires males of his body lawfully begotten and for lack of such issue to the use of Richard Thorpe sonne of my sonne Thomas Thorpe and of the heires males of his body lawfully begotten, and for the lack of such issue to the use of George Thorpe second of my said sonne Thomas Thorpe, and of the heires males of his body lawfully begotten, and for lack of such issue, to the use of William Thorpe third sonne of my said sonne Thomas and of the heires males of his body lawfully begotten, and for lack of such issue to the use of Gyles Thorpe my sonne and of his heires for ever. And I doe further give and bequeath unto the said John Thorpe my grandchilde my silver salt …., a silver goblet and a silver beaker, a bedstedle, and a fether bed.. ….. cob…tt blanketts and all other ….. thereunto belonging to be delivered unto him at his age of four and twentie years, and if he dye before that age, then I give the same to his brother Richard Thorpe, at his age of four and twentie years, and as to those somes of money and plate conteyned in this my codicill I make and ordaine my said former friends John Delathamber George Turner Anthony Linton and Richard Heath myne executors, and none other. And to this my codicill I have subscribed my name, and published that same in the presence of theise whose names are underwritten. By me John Thorpe witnesses to the publishing of this codecill Richard Heath John Greene John Wallis.
    Will was 10th October 1606
    18th February 1606/07 codicill added
    Probate 2nd May 1607
    Thomas Thorpe, John Delathamber and George Turner executors
    Codicill, Anthony Linton, Richard Heath executors
    (Transcription by Jeremy Clarke of the Felbridge History Group.)
  • Death*: John Thorpe died in 1607 at Lingfield, Surrey, England.
  • Burial*: John Thorpe was buried on 25 March 1607 at Lingfield, Surrey, England.
  • Probate: His estate was probated on 2 May 1607 at Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Kent, England.


Alice Bowett b. c 1540, d. 1594


John Thorpe+ b. c 1560, d. 1626
Richard Thorpe b. 20 Dec 1562, d. 1585
Mary Thorpe b. 17 May 1564
Thomas Thorpe+ b. 25 Jan 1567, d. Dec 1608
Mercy Thorpe+ b. c 1570, d. 1639
Nicholas Thorpe b. 5 Sep 1574
Giles Thorpe+ b. 19 May 1577, d. 1632


  1. [S1080] Sussex Record Society ed. "Sussex Record Society, Vol XXIV. The Parish Register of East Grinstead, Sussex. 1558-1661. FamilySearch Film: 2214011, Item 2.", Sussex Record Society, First Edition (1917) "p. 42 and p. 133."
  2. [S375] Will of John Thorpe of Worth, Surrey, England, made 10 Oct 1605, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 2 May 1607. (TNA: PROB 11/109/345).

Alice Bowett

b. circa 1540, d. 1594
Last Edited: 8 May 2023


John Thorpe b. c 1527, d. 1607


John Thorpe+ b. c 1560, d. 1626
Richard Thorpe b. 20 Dec 1562, d. 1585
Mary Thorpe b. 17 May 1564
Thomas Thorpe+ b. 25 Jan 1567, d. Dec 1608
Mercy Thorpe+ b. c 1570, d. 1639
Nicholas Thorpe b. 5 Sep 1574
Giles Thorpe+ b. 19 May 1577, d. 1632


  1. [S1080] Sussex Record Society ed. "Sussex Record Society, Vol XXIV. The Parish Register of East Grinstead, Sussex. 1558-1661. FamilySearch Film: 2214011, Item 2.", Sussex Record Society, First Edition (1917) "p. 145."

John Thorpe

b. circa 1560, d. 1626


Father: John Thorpe b. c 1527, d. 1607
Mother: Alice Bowett b. c 1540, d. 1594
Last Edited: 7 Nov 2022
  • Birth*: John Thorpe was born circa 1560 at England; John is stated as being the eldest son in his father's will.
  • He was the son of John Thorpe and Alice Bowett.
  • Marriage*: John Thorpe married Mary Chamber in 1592 at England.
  • Anecdote*: It is interesting that his father's will states: I give to my sonne John Thorpe [although] his behaviour unto me hitherto hath [defered] not remeberance of him at all the some of one hundred pounds which my will is shall not be paid or delivered unto him self but shall be delivered and paid unto my good friends aforesaid John Delathamber, George Turner, Anthony Linton and Richard Heath or the survivor of them within five years after decease, by them to be disposed for his maintenance at their good directions.
  • (Witness) Will: John Thorpe is mentioned in the will of John Thorpe dated 10 October 1606 at Worth, Surrey, England.1
  • Burial*: John Thorpe was buried in 1626 at Lingfield, Surrey, England, gentleman.
  • Death*: John Thorpe died in 1626 at Lingfield, Surrey, England.


Mary Chamber


Richard Thorpe b. c 1595
John Thorpe b. c 1597


  1. [S375] Will of John Thorpe of Worth, Surrey, England, made 10 Oct 1605, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 2 May 1607. (TNA: PROB 11/109/345).

Richard Thorpe

b. 20 December 1562, d. 1585


Father: John Thorpe b. c 1527, d. 1607
Mother: Alice Bowett b. c 1540, d. 1594
Last Edited: 6 Nov 2022


  1. [S1080] Sussex Record Society ed. "Sussex Record Society, Vol XXIV. The Parish Register of East Grinstead, Sussex. 1558-1661. FamilySearch Film: 2214011, Item 2.", Sussex Record Society, First Edition (1917) "p. 31."
  2. [S1080] Sussex Record Society ed. "Sussex Record Society, Vol XXIV. The Parish Register of East Grinstead, Sussex. 1558-1661. FamilySearch Film: 2214011, Item 2.", Sussex Record Society, First Edition (1917) "p. 138."

Mary Thorpe

b. 17 May 1564


Father: John Thorpe b. c 1527, d. 1607
Mother: Alice Bowett b. c 1540, d. 1594
Last Edited: 6 Nov 2022
  • Baptism*: Mary Thorpe was baptized on 17 May 1564 at St Swithun, East Grinstead, Sussex, EnglandB, "Marie Thorpe."1
  • She was the daughter of John Thorpe and Alice Bowett.
  • Anecdote*: No parents given on the baptism. Mary may be the same person as Mercy. Mary is not mentioned in her father's will, but she may have died before the will was made.
  • Anecdote: There are no surviving burial records for St Swithun, East Grinstead before 18 Jan 1574/75.2


  1. [S1080] Sussex Record Society ed. "Sussex Record Society, Vol XXIV. The Parish Register of East Grinstead, Sussex. 1558-1661. FamilySearch Film: 2214011, Item 2.", Sussex Record Society, First Edition (1917) "p. 32."
  2. [S1080] Sussex Record Society ed. "Sussex Record Society, Vol XXIV. The Parish Register of East Grinstead, Sussex. 1558-1661. FamilySearch Film: 2214011, Item 2.", Sussex Record Society, First Edition (1917) "p. 133."

Thomas Thorpe

b. 25 January 1567, d. December 1608


Father: John Thorpe b. c 1527, d. 1607
Mother: Alice Bowett b. c 1540, d. 1594
Last Edited: 7 Nov 2022
  • Baptism*: Thomas Thorpe was baptized on 25 January 1567 at St Swithun, East Grinstead, Sussex, EnglandB, No parents given on the baptism. Note that the year is 1567/68.1
  • He was the son of John Thorpe and Alice Bowett.
  • Marriage*: Thomas Thorpe married Elizabeth Holmden circa 1593 at England.
  • (Witness) Will: Thomas Thorpe is mentioned in the will of John Thorpe dated 10 October 1606 at Worth, Surrey, England.2
  • Will*: Thomas Thorpe left a will made on 29 October 1608 at Horne, Surrey, England.3
  • Will/Adm Transcript*: "In the name of God amen the nyne and twentity daye of October in the year of our Lord god one thousand five hundred and eighte I Thomas Thorpe of Hedgecourte within the parish of Horne in the county of Surrey, gentleman weake in doby but of good and perfect rememberance (praise be to almighty God). Do make and ordayne this my laste will and testament revoking hereby all former willes in manner and forme following that is to saye first commending my soule unto the handes of god my maker hoping steadfastlie thorought the onlie merittes of my revirified Savyoure. It s** xpiste to bi made partarex of life everlastinge and leaving my bodye to be at the will and pleasure of the same my god committed to the earth from whence ye came and to be Decentlie buryed within the myddle channcell of the parish Church of East Grinstead in the Countie of Sussex with life assured hope of resurrection of the same my bodye to eternall life. I give to the poore of the parish of Horne aforesaid fortie shillings: And unto the poore of the sayed parish of East Grinstead fortie shillings to be distributed amounge them at my funerall by the direction of myne overseers of this my last will and testament. Item I give and bequethe unto Elizabeth my nowe wife my beds of downe wherin I usuallie lye in my bed chamber with the beddteadle and all furniture and necessaryes belonging to the same. Item I give unto my sayed wife, three of my feather bedds of the better sorte with their bedseadles and all furnitures and necessaryes to the same belonging. Item I give and bequeth unto Richard my eldest sonee all that my Lease and farme of Hedgecourt during all the terme to ronne therin after my death. But my will and meaning is notwithstanding that the sayed Elizabeth my wife shall have three chambers in Hedgecourt house. That is to saye the gueston? Chamber over the parloure, the next chamber to it over the childrens chamber, and the same childrens chamber and allso the sayed parlour freelie for her owne house and her familie solonge as she shall live unmarryed. And that she and her saied familye and friends shall from tyme to tyme have reconrse? Tobend? from the saied roomes during that tyme. And allso my will is that she my saied wife and her servants shall in all that tyme of her abode at Hedgecourte dresse and make readye any meate for her use her friends and family and brewe with my vessells, and bake and washe and doe anythinge merte? and necessary in any of fire or plate within or aboute my saied house at hedgecourte for suche of the like servives. Item I will that my sayed wife shall have sufficient firewood out of the groundes of my sayed farme of hedgecourte during her abode there as aforesayed for her spending there only. Item I give unto my sayed wife fower fyne and trooe horses. And I will that she shall have freelie the pasturing of them uppon the groundes of my sayed farme of hedgecourte. And that she shall have every yere tenne loades of haye out of the same groundes, and sufficient strawe and Lytture for her sayed tyme and horses with sufficient stable roome and barneroome for the sayed horses haye and strawe during her life and widowhood as aforesaied. Item I give unto George and William my sonnes and to Alice my daughter two hundred and fiftie pounds a peece, to be payed by myne executors unto my saied overseers or to the survivors or survivor of them within three monethes next after my decease, to be imployed by them for the most profitt of the saied George William and Alice my children. And my will and meaning is herein that all the profitt of their saied severall stortes? Of twoe hundred and fiftie poundes shall from tyme to tyme be paied by my sayed overseers as the saied profittes may be raised every halfe yere unto the saied Elizabeth my wife for the bringing up of the sayed George William and Alice my children as my meaning and will is that she my saied wife shall have the chardge and adoration of them during theire minoritie if she contynewe so longe unmarryed. And if she shall happen to be marryed agayne or to dye during my sayed childrens minoritie: Then I will that my saied overseers or the survivors of them shall have the governance and bringing up of the sayed George William and Alice my children during theire nonage, and shall have allso on theire handes all the profittes of theire saied saverall starkes of twoe hundred and fiftie poundes and the Implyment thereof for the mayntennce and setting fourth of my sayed children at my trust is they will for my childrens most good, rendring to them the over**nt of the profittes of theire sayed severall portions. Item my will is that my saied overseers shall paye unto George and William my sonnes theire sayed severall portions of twoe hundred and fiftie pounds at their severall full ages of one and twentie yeres. And shall paye allso unto the sayed Alice my daughter her sayed legarcy of two hundred and fiftie poundes at her full age of one and twentie yeres or at the daye of her marriage which shall first happen. Provided allwayes that if it shall happen the saied George William or Alice my children to die before the tyme *imited for payment of theire sayed severall legarcys of twoe hundred and fiftie poundes as aforesayed : Then I will that all the portion or portions of hym her or them so dying shall be equallie payed unto the survivors of them or whollie unto one of them one lie surviving. Item I give unto my Aronte Mrs Mabel Stadler twentie shillinges to buye her a ringe. Item I give unto my sisters fridesiveed and franncys Holmeden vizt to either of them twentie shillinges. Item I give to Richard George and William my sonnes, and to Alice my daughter, the one halfe of my lynnen equallie to be divided amongest them. Item I give unto George William and Alice my children vizt to every of them one feather bed furnished. Item I give unto every of theise my servantes vizt Richard Browne: Thomas Bores Edward Harris and Robert Harling fortie shillinges a peece: and to John Banger also Trendle and Thomas Butler twentie shillinges a peece, to be paied unto every of them within one yere next after my decease. Item I give unto Mabell Osborne my nowe servannte and goddaughter three poundes to be paied unto her at her full age of one and twentie yeres or at the daye of her marriage which shall first happen. All other my goodes and chattells what soever unbequeathed (my debtes legaceys and funerall expenses paied disbursed and discharged) I give and bequeth unto Richard Thorpe myne eldest sonne whome I make and ordayne to be sole executor of this my last will and testament when he shall accomplishe the full age of seventeen yeres. And in the meantyme Jasper Holmeden of Eatonbridge [Edenbridge] in the countie of Kent my welbeloved father in lawe, William Babbe of Arundell in the countie of Sussex gentleman, John Rainescrofte of Horsham in the saied countie of Sussex gent and William Tistney of East Grinstead in the saied countie yeoman being all my wellbeloved and trustie friendes to be my executors of this my last will untill my saied sonne Richard shall accomplishe his full age of seaventeene yeres. And my will is that they allso and the survivors of them shall have the government of my sayed sonne Richard and rereyne? And take into theire handes all his rentes goodes and legaceys hereby to him bequethed and order and imploy the same aswell for his maintennce at otherwise to *is use and for his most good, untill his saied age of seaventeene yeres rendering them unot him *is heires executors and assignes, a **sts accompte of all theire rerciptes and disboursements. And then allso yealding unto him or them the remaynder of every righte and profitt of any thinge they have had in theire handes disposed in this my last will. And when my saied sonne Richard shall have accomplished his sayed full age of seaventeen yeres, then and from thenne for the I make and ordayne and hartelie praye my saied welbeloved friendes Jasper Holmenden William Babbe John Rainescrofte and William Listney to be myne overseers to see this my last will and testament well and trulie performed and to be ayding unto my saied sonne Richard and instructing him for the better execution of this my last will. And I give to every Of my saied overseers as a remembrance of my love towardes them for theire paines to be taken in that behalfe, fortie shillings a peece. And my will is that all theire necessary costes and charges concerning this my last will and testament shalbe borne and paied them by myne executors. As concerning my landes and tenementes wheresoever unto Richard Thorpe my sonne and to the heires males of his body lawfullie to be begotten. In witnesse whereof to this my last will and testament concerning my goodes and chattells landes and tenements I have subscribed my name, set my seale and publised the same the daye and yere first abovewritten in the presence of theise witnesses vizt. Nicholas Blondall his marke Richard Leger: William Picknott: John Hull his marke Robert Hedley – by me Thomas Thorpe.

    In outer margin is a paragraph in Latin (unable to read due to small size of letters and poor scanning resolution) elements read ‘November … 1612 … Richard Thorpe ….’

    Proved 21 day of January 1609
    Jasper Holmenden, William Babbe, John Ravescrofte & William Lisney executors …. Richard Thorpe"

    (Transcription by Jeremy Clarke of the Felbridge History Group.)
  • Death*: Thomas Thorpe died in December 1608 at East Grinstead, Sussex, EnglandB, at age 41.
  • Burial*: Thomas Thorpe was buried on 26 December 1608 at St Swithun, East Grinstead, Sussex, EnglandB, "Master Thomas Tharpe of the parryshe of Horne."4
  • Probate: His estate was probated on 31 January 1608/9 at Prerogative Court of Canterbury, London, England.3


Elizabeth Holmden d. 1626


John Thorpe b. 7 Nov 1593, d. c 1599
Richard Thorpe b. 27 Jul 1595, d. c 1649
George Thorpe b. 16 Jan 1596
William Thorpe b. 17 Sep 1598
Alice Thorpe b. c 1600


  1. [S1080] Sussex Record Society ed. "Sussex Record Society, Vol XXIV. The Parish Register of East Grinstead, Sussex. 1558-1661. FamilySearch Film: 2214011, Item 2.", Sussex Record Society, First Edition (1917) "p. 35."
  2. [S375] Will of John Thorpe of Worth, Surrey, England, made 10 Oct 1605, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 2 May 1607. (TNA: PROB 11/109/345).
  3. [S376] Will of ThomasThorpe of Horne, Surrey, England, made 29 Oct 1608, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 31 Jan 1609. (TNA: PROB 11/113/2).
  4. [S1080] Sussex Record Society ed. "Sussex Record Society, Vol XXIV. The Parish Register of East Grinstead, Sussex. 1558-1661. FamilySearch Film: 2214011, Item 2.", Sussex Record Society, First Edition (1917) "p. 158."

Mercy Thorpe

b. circa 1570, d. 1639


Father: John Thorpe b. c 1527, d. 1607
Mother: Alice Bowett b. c 1540, d. 1594
Last Edited: 6 Nov 2022
  • Birth*: Mercy Thorpe was born circa 1570 at England.
  • She was the daughter of John Thorpe and Alice Bowett.
  • Anecdote*: Mercy may have been the same person as Mary baptised 17 May 1564.
  • Marriage*: Mercy Thorpe married George Turner circa 1605 at England (to be checked, possibly in Surrey.)1
  • Married Name: As of 1606, her married name was Turner.
  • (Witness) Will: Mercy Thorpe is mentioned in the will of John Thorpe dated 10 October 1606 at Worth, Surrey, England.1
  • Will*: Mercy Thorpe left a will made on 6 July 1638 at Lingfield, Surrey, England.2
  • Will/Adm Transcript*: "In the name of God Amen this sixth day of July in the thirteenth year of the raigne of our soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France and Irelande defender of the faith. I Mercie Turner of Lingfield in the county of Surrey widdow being of perfect remembrance thanks be given to God therefore revokeing all former willes do make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following, first I command my soule into the hands of Allmighty God hoping to be saved by the merite of Jesus Christ my Saviour, and my body to be buryed by the grave of Sir Firancis Howard Knighte next unto my husband deceased in the high chancell of the parish church of Lingfield aforesaid. Item I give unto the Church of Lingfield aforesaid a silver flaggon of the value of tenn poundes to be bought and provided by my executor hereunder named within one quarter of a year after my decease for the use of the blessed sacrement of the Lords supper. Item I give unto the poore the summe of Tenn pounds to be distributed amounge them upon the day of my buryall. Item I give unto Bridgett Thorpe the daughter of John Thorpe late of Lingfield Gent deceased my brother the sume of Twelve Pense. Item I give unto Anne Thorpe, Mary Thorpe and Katherine Thorpe the three other daughters of the aforesaid John Thorpe my brother the severall sumes of one hundred poundes a peece to be put out by my executor presently uppon my decease for their best advantage and to be paid unto them as shall the interest and proffit of it when they shall accomplish their severall ages of one and twentie years, and if any of them dye before they shall accomplish the said age of one and twenty years then my will and meaning is, that her or their portion for dying amongsteth those last whoassed? shall come to her or them who shalbe liveing and surviving. Item I give unto the three children of Giles Thorpe of Ifielde my brother in the county of Sussex Gent deceased tenn pounds a peece. Item I give unto Alice Rogers the wife of Daniell Rogers of Hoadely in the county of Sussex Gent the sume of one hundred pounds of good lawfull English money and my best suite of Dyaper Lynnen. Item I give unto the three daughters of Richard Thorpe of Worthe in the county of Sussex Gent, Mary, Anne and Elizabeth the severall summes of forty pounds a peece, and to every one of the sonnes tenn pounds a peece of current English money to be put out together for their best advantage by my executor and to be paid unto them with the interest and profit of it, when they shall accomplish their severall ages of one and twenty yeares. And if any of them dye before they shall accomplish the said age of one and twenty yeares, then my will and meaning is that the portion of him, her or them be dying shall be equally devided amonge the rest that shalbe living and surviving. Item I give unto the said Richard Thorpe aforenamed of Worth Gent and William Thorpe his brother unto John Thorpe of Sussex Gent my nephew and to his three children and to the two children of George Thorpe of Lyndfield deceased my nephew, to every one of them severally twenty shillings a peece. Item I give unto George Turner of Lingfield aforesaid gent and to every one of his children twenty shillings a peece. Item I give unto John Turner and Ellen Turner the children of John Turner of Hamm Gent my Godchildren twentie shillings a peece. Item I give unto the fewer daughters of George Holmedon of Etonbridge (Edenbridge) in the county of Kent Gent Joane, Mary, Katherine and Anne, to every one of them five pounds a peece. Item I give unto theese my Godchildren William the sonne of George Saxbee, Mercey the daughter of Arthur Underhill and Margarett the daughter of Thomas Hoggett to everie one of them twentie shillings a peece. Item I give unto Marie the wife of Arthur Underhill and Joane Penyall? Widdow tenn shillinges a peece, to make my body ready for the buryall. Item I give unto theise that have formerly beene my sirvante Mary the wife of George Holmeden Gent, Anne the wife of William Saxbie, Elizabeth the wife of Thomas Hoggett and Anne the wife of Alan Fenner the like sumes of tenn shillinges a peece. Item I give to Annie Pratt my olde servant twenty shillinges. Item I give unto Mary Thorpe, Anne Thorpe and Elizabeth Thorpe the daughters of Richard Thorpe of Woorthe gent aforenamed, to every one of them severally two payre of sheetes One dozen of napkins One table cloth and one towell and the rest of my lynnen I give to be equally devided amoung Anne Thorpe, Mary Thorpe and Katherine Thorpe the daughters of John Thorpe my brother aforenamed deceased. Item I give to all the attenders about my buryall, to the marryed men two shillinges and sixe pence a peece and to the younge men twelve pence a peece for their paynes. Item my will and meaning is that all these legacies above bequeathed for which tymes of payment are not already set down shalbe well and truly paid by my executor within one year after my decease. The rest of my goodes and chattells movable or unmovable, household stuffs, moneys or moneystake whatsoever, my debtes paide and legacies and funerall expenses discharged, I give and bequeath unto Alan Carr of Chiltington in the county of Sussex clarke whom I do hereby appointe and ordayne to be the sole executor of this my last will and testament And I doe intrust John Turner of Hamm Gent and Thomas Turner his brother my Kynsemen to be my overseers to see this my last will and testament performed according to my true intent and meaning and I do hereby give them twenty shillinges a peece in token of my love. In witness whereof I have hereunto left my hand and seale the day and yeare above written. The marke of Mercey Turner, sealed signed and delivered in the presence of ‘George Blundell, William Plawe?"
    (Transcription by Jeremy Clarke of the Felbridge History Group.)
  • Death*: Mercy Thorpe died in 1639 at Lingfield, Surrey, England.
  • Burial*: Mercy Thorpe was buried in 1639 at Lingfield, Surrey, England.
  • Probate: Her estate was probated on 25 March 1639 at Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Kent, England.2


George Turner d. 1624
  • Marriage*: Mercy Thorpe married George Turner circa 1605 at England (to be checked, possibly in Surrey.)1


John Turner b. 2 Jun 1606, d. 1607
John Turner b. 14 Jan 1609


  1. [S375] Will of John Thorpe of Worth, Surrey, England, made 10 Oct 1605, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 2 May 1607. (TNA: PROB 11/109/345).
  2. [S377] Will of MerceyThorpe of Lingfield, Surrey, England, made 6 Jul 1638, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 25 Mar 1639. (TNA: PROB 11/179/570).

William Dunk

b. 15 April 1722, d. 1792


Father: John Dunk b. c 1680
Mother: Mary Mepham
Last Edited: 23 Oct 2023


Anne Wenham b. 15 May 1731, d. 1828


Mary Dunk+ b. 26 May 1750
Anne Dunk+ b. 5 Dec 1751, d. 1831
Elizabeth Dunk b. 5 Apr 1753
Emma Dunk+ b. 1 Aug 1755, d. 1828
William Dunk+ b. 10 Sep 1758, d. 1836
Sarah Dunk b. 12 Jul 1761, d. 1849
Joseph Dunk+ b. 4 Jul 1762, d. 23 Aug 1848
Hannah Dunk b. 12 Jul 1765
Lucy Dunk b. 7 Jun 1769
Charity Dunk+ b. 30 Oct 1770
John Dunk b. 16 Apr 1774, d. 1774
Barbara Dunk b. 5 Sep 1775


  1. [S388] Website "FamilySearch" ( "Film # 004428818; Image 126."
  2. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.
  3. [S266] Index to People, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project, "Source: 29, Entry: 22036."
  4. [S25] Online Index to Burials, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project, "69 years, poor."

Anne Wenham

b. 15 May 1731, d. 1828


Father: Edward Wenham b. 17 Oct 1702, d. 1785
Mother: Hannah Vine b. c 1705, d. 1761
Last Edited: 23 Oct 2023
  • Birth*: Anne Wenham was born on 15 May 1731 at Sussex, England.1
  • She was the daughter of Edward Wenham and Hannah Vine.
  • Anecdote: Unfortunately, the Hellingly parish register states ."No Register regularly kept from 1725-1742."2
  • Baptism: Anne Wenham was baptized on 7 May 1749 at Hellingly, Sussex, EnglandB, (adult baptism.)3
  • Anecdote*: Anne's adult baptism and birth date is recorded in the Hellingly parish register thus: 1749, May 7th baptised John son of Edward and Hannah Wenham born 3 June 1729 and the same day Anne, daughter of the said Edward and Hannah aged 18 on 15 May 1749 and William, son of the above aged 15 on 12 April 1749.1,3
  • Anecdote: There is another baptism for an Anne Wenham, daughter of Edward and Hannah Wenham, on 3? Aug 1747 at Hellingly but the BTs say the mother's name is Anne. There was an Edward and Anne couple, that is, different to Edward & Hannah.4,1
  • Marriage*: Anne Wenham married William Dunk, son of John Dunk and Mary Mepham, on 24 February 1749/50 at Hellingly, Sussex, EnglandB, both of this parish. William and Anne were married by banns and the fee was 5 shillings.5
  • Married Name: As of 24 February 1749/50, her married name was Dunk.
  • Anecdote*: Wm. Dunk + wife Anne; and Mary, Ann, Eliz., Ami [Emmy] - 4th July 1756, Hellingly Chiddingly [Par/292/32/1]
    Source: Sussex Genealogical Centre Occasional Paper No 1 (1979) Edited by M J Burchall as Sussex Genealogical Centre Occasional Paper No. 1 (1979) covering 40 parishes. Eastern Sussex Settlement Certificates 1670-1832.6
  • Death*: Anne Wenham died in 1828 at Chiddingly, Sussex, EnglandB.
  • Burial*: Anne Wenham was buried on 12 November 1828 at Chiddingly, Sussex, EnglandB, age 97 years, abode is give as Hellingly.


William Dunk b. 15 Apr 1722, d. 1792


Mary Dunk+ b. 26 May 1750
Anne Dunk+ b. 5 Dec 1751, d. 1831
Elizabeth Dunk b. 5 Apr 1753
Emma Dunk+ b. 1 Aug 1755, d. 1828
William Dunk+ b. 10 Sep 1758, d. 1836
Sarah Dunk b. 12 Jul 1761, d. 1849
Joseph Dunk+ b. 4 Jul 1762, d. 23 Aug 1848
Hannah Dunk b. 12 Jul 1765
Lucy Dunk b. 7 Jun 1769
Charity Dunk+ b. 30 Oct 1770
John Dunk b. 16 Apr 1774, d. 1774
Barbara Dunk b. 5 Sep 1775


  1. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.
  2. [S388] Website "FamilySearch" ( "Film: 1067203; Image: 351."
  3. [S388] Website "FamilySearch" ( "Film: 1067203; Image: 362."
  4. [S388] Website "FamilySearch" ( "Film: 1067203; Image: 361."
  5. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.
  6. [S266] Index to People, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project, "Source: 29, Entry: 22036."

Anne Dunk

b. 5 December 1751, d. 1831


Father: William Dunk b. 15 Apr 1722, d. 1792
Mother: Anne Wenham b. 15 May 1731, d. 1828
Last Edited: 2 Apr 2021


Edward Bristow b. 17 Jul 1753, d. 1830


Edward Bristow b. 1 Jan 1780
William Bristow b. 4 Feb 1782
John Bristow b. 21 Jul 1783, d. 1854
Ann Bristow b. 18 Nov 1786, d. 1872
Thomas Bristow b. 23 Jul 1791, d. 1793
James Bristow b. 14 Feb 1795


  1. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.
  2. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.
  3. [S25] Online Index to Burials, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.

Elizabeth Dunk

b. 5 April 1753


Father: William Dunk b. 15 Apr 1722, d. 1792
Mother: Anne Wenham b. 15 May 1731, d. 1828
Last Edited: 29 May 2023

Emma Dunk

b. 1 August 1755, d. 1828


Father: William Dunk b. 15 Apr 1722, d. 1792
Mother: Anne Wenham b. 15 May 1731, d. 1828
Last Edited: 1 Jul 2019


Samuel Jones b. 9 Apr 1758, d. 1831


Samuel Jones+ b. 20 Jun 1789, d. b 1841
John Jones b. 6 Dec 1790
Mary Ann Jones b. 18 Apr 1805


  1. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.
  2. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.
  3. [S25] Online Index to Burials, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.

William Dunk

b. 10 September 1758, d. 1836


Father: William Dunk b. 15 Apr 1722, d. 1792
Mother: Anne Wenham b. 15 May 1731, d. 1828
Last Edited: 29 Jan 2025


Elizabeth Funnell b. 16 Sep 1759, d. 1828


Richard Dunk b. 21 Aug 1775
William Dunk b. 30 Jun 1777
Thomas Dunk b. 1 Jul 1779
Mary Dunk b. 24 May 1782
John Dunk b. 2 Nov 1784
Joseph Dunk b. 27 Dec 1786
Elizabeth Dunk b. 26 May 1788
Nanny Dunk b. 20 Jun 1790
Hannah Dunk+ b. 14 Oct 1792, d. 1836


  1. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.
  2. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.
  3. [S25] Online Index to Burials, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.

Hannah Dunk

b. 12 July 1765


Father: William Dunk b. 15 Apr 1722, d. 1792
Mother: Anne Wenham b. 15 May 1731, d. 1828
Last Edited: 11 Dec 2019


Joseph Sutton


  1. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project, "privately ric 14 July 1787."
  2. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.

Lucy Dunk

b. 7 June 1769


Father: William Dunk b. 15 Apr 1722, d. 1792
Mother: Anne Wenham b. 15 May 1731, d. 1828
Last Edited: 3 Jan 2014


  1. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.

Charity Dunk

b. 30 October 1770


Father: William Dunk b. 15 Apr 1722, d. 1792
Mother: Anne Wenham b. 15 May 1731, d. 1828
Last Edited: 3 Mar 2019
  • Birth: Charity Dunk was born in 1770 at Chiddingly, Sussex, EnglandB.
  • Baptism*: Charity Dunk was baptized on 30 October 1770 at Chiddingly, Sussex, EnglandB.1
  • She was the daughter of William Dunk and Anne Wenham.
  • Anecdote*: Note that another Charity Dunk was baptised at Mayfield on 13 Feb 1774, baseborn, daughter of Elizabeth Dunk but she was buried 26 Feb 1774 at Mayfield. Could this Elizabeth Dunk be the sister of Charity Dunk (Elizabeth bap. 1753 and Charity bap. 1770 both daughters of William and Anne Wenham).1
  • Marriage*: Charity Dunk married John Johnson on 11 March 1800 at Brighton, Sussex, EnglandB, Charity of this parish; John of Hove.2
  • Married Name: As of 11 March 1800, her married name was Johnson.


John Johnson


Charity Johnson+ b. 14 Apr 1800, d. 1835


  1. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.
  2. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.

John Dunk

b. 16 April 1774, d. 1774


Father: William Dunk b. 15 Apr 1722, d. 1792
Mother: Anne Wenham b. 15 May 1731, d. 1828
Last Edited: 3 Jan 2014


  1. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.
  2. [S25] Online Index to Burials, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project, "infant."

Barbara Dunk

b. 5 September 1775


Father: William Dunk b. 15 Apr 1722, d. 1792
Mother: Anne Wenham b. 15 May 1731, d. 1828
Last Edited: 3 Jan 2014


John Butcher b. c 1780


  1. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.
  2. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.

Edward Wenham

b. 17 October 1702, d. 1785


Father: Richard Wenham b. 13 May 1670
Mother: Ann Bine b. 8 Jul 1665, d. 1721
Last Edited: 7 May 2023


Hannah Vine b. c 1705, d. 1761


John Wenham b. 3 Jun 1729
Anne Wenham+ b. 15 May 1731, d. 1828
William Wenham+ b. 12 Apr 1734, d. 1807
James Wenham b. c 1738, d. 1811
Thomas Wenham+ b. c 1739
Joseph Wenham+ b. 21 Mar 1741, d. 1819
Sarah Wenham b. 18 Sep 1745
Henry Wenham b. 25 May 1749, d. 1770
Hannah Wenham+ b. 9 Nov 1751, d. 1812


  1. [S388] Website "FamilySearch" ( "film no 1067203; image 317."
  2. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.
  3. [S388] Website "FamilySearch" ( "Film: 1067203; Image: 351."
  4. [S388] Website "FamilySearch" ( "Film: 1067203; Image: 362."
  5. [S25] Online Index to Burials, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.

Hannah Vine

b. circa 1705, d. 1761
Last Edited: 7 May 2023
  • Birth*: Hannah Vine was born circa 1705 at Sussex, England.
  • Anecdote*: Note that there is a baptism of a Susanna Vine on 6 Nov 1696 (born 16 Oct 1696) to John and Susanna Vine in Ripe. A brother Robert was baptised 2 Oct 1695 in Ripe but buried 23 Jan 1697.
    Also, there is a burial of a John Vine on 1 Nov 1687 in Ripe, which states "minister this parish and Chalvington", although he has a son John who was buried 1 Nov 1684 in Ripe (son of John, minister.)1
  • Marriage*: Hannah Vine married Edward Wenham, son of Richard Wenham and Ann Bine, on 13 May 1729 at Hellingly, Sussex, EnglandB, both of Hellingly.2
  • Married Name: As of 13 May 1729, her married name was Wenham.
  • Anecdote: Unfortunately, the Hellingly parish register states ."No Register regularly kept from 1725-1742."3
  • Anecdote*: Edward and Hannah had three adult children baptised in Hellingly in 1749 thus: 1749, May 7th baptised John son of Edward and Hannah Wenham born 3 June 1729 and the same day Anne, daughter of the said Edward and Hannah aged 18 on 15 May 1749 and William, son of the above aged 15 on 12 April 1749.4
  • Death*: Hannah Vine died in 1761 at Hellingly, Sussex, EnglandB.
  • Burial*: Hannah Vine was buried on 23 December 1761 at Hellingly, Sussex, EnglandB, "wife of Edward."5


Edward Wenham b. 17 Oct 1702, d. 1785


John Wenham b. 3 Jun 1729
Anne Wenham+ b. 15 May 1731, d. 1828
William Wenham+ b. 12 Apr 1734, d. 1807
James Wenham b. c 1738, d. 1811
Thomas Wenham+ b. c 1739
Joseph Wenham+ b. 21 Mar 1741, d. 1819
Sarah Wenham b. 18 Sep 1745
Henry Wenham b. 25 May 1749, d. 1770
Hannah Wenham+ b. 9 Nov 1751, d. 1812


  1. [S23] Online Index to Baptisms, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project,.
  2. [S24] Index to Marriages, 1538-1837, Compact Disc SFHGCD003, compiled by Sussex Family History Group, 2008.
  3. [S388] Website "FamilySearch" ( "Film: 1067203; Image: 351."
  4. [S388] Website "FamilySearch" ( "Film: 1067203; Image: 362."
  5. [S25] Online Index to Burials, 1538 onwards, compiled by Sussex Family History Group,, ongoing project, "wife of Edward."

Thomas Barber

b. 7 June 1822, d. 4 July 1823


Father: Robert Barber b. 6 Jul 1802, d. 4 Feb 1867
Mother: Jane Holden b. 17 Oct 1802, d. 28 Oct 1882
Last Edited: 20 May 2012


  1. [S272] Copy of Letter from Victoria and Albert Griffiths, to Rita and Fred Barber, dated 1 June 1980 (GG Barber Private Archives, Perth, W. Australia) ""Brothers and Sisters of Grandfather Barber" attached to letter."

Jane Barber

b. 8 May 1824, d. 14 December 1848


Father: Robert Barber b. 6 Jul 1802, d. 4 Feb 1867
Mother: Jane Holden b. 17 Oct 1802, d. 28 Oct 1882
Last Edited: 2 Apr 2021
  • Birth*: Jane Barber was born on 8 May 1824 at 5 Clarence Gardens, Brighton, Sussex, England; born at 10 minutes before 2 o'clock in the afternoon.1
  • She was the daughter of Robert Barber and Jane Holden.
  • Baptism: Jane Barber was baptized on 27 June 1824 at St Nicholas, Brighton, Sussex, EnglandB.2
  • Residence*: On 7 June 1841 Jane Barber lived at Montpellier Rd, Brighton, Sussex, England, working as a servant aged 15 yrs for Carolin Brereton , aged 50 yrs of independent means, with another servant, Mary Mitchell, aged 25 yrs.
  • Marriage*: Jane Barber married James Herbert Goldsmith, son of James Goldsmith and Abigail Saunders, on 28 December 1841 at St John, Hampstead, Middlesex, England, both are minors. Jane's father is given as Robert Barber, cabinet maker, and James' father is James Goldsmith, whitesmith. Witnesses are James Thompson and ... Hayman(?). They would have both been 17 years old when they were married, with Jane expecting. It is possible that the marriage took place in London to avoid embarrassment and that they stayed there until the first child was born before returning to Brighton.3
  • Married Name: As of 28 December 1841, her married name was Goldsmith.
  • Death*: Jane Barber died on 14 December 1848 at Brighton Hospital, Brighton, Sussex, England, at age 24. She died of erysipelas (1 week) which is an acute bacterial infection of the skin. The death certificate states that she is the wife of James Goldsmith, blacksmith and confirms that her mother was Jane Barber.4
  • Anecdote*: The following notes on the Goldsmith family in Australia were provided by Di Christensen of Melbourne, Australia:
    James Herbert Goldsmith was 28 years old when he, with his second wife Ann aged 22 years and James' children from his first marriage - Samuel 10, James 7 and Mary Abigail 5 years - arrived at Point Henry, Corio Bay in the Dutch ship the Six Sisters (Zes Gezusters) in January 1853 from Brighton, Sussex, England. After some time in Geelong, the family travelled to the gold diggings at Ballarat where they settled. At the time of the Eureka Uprising the Goldsmith family were at Bakery Hill, Ballarat East. James was engaged in the saw milling business which was a prosperous undertaking in those days. Ann married again in May 1883 to George Havens, a musician from Long Island, USA. They were married by Martin Hosking, the town Missionary.


James Herbert Goldsmith b. 6 Apr 1824, d. 16 Nov 1877
  • Marriage*: Jane Barber married James Herbert Goldsmith, son of James Goldsmith and Abigail Saunders, on 28 December 1841 at St John, Hampstead, Middlesex, England, both are minors. Jane's father is given as Robert Barber, cabinet maker, and James' father is James Goldsmith, whitesmith. Witnesses are James Thompson and ... Hayman(?). They would have both been 17 years old when they were married, with Jane expecting. It is possible that the marriage took place in London to avoid embarrassment and that they stayed there until the first child was born before returning to Brighton.3


Samuel Thomas Goldsmith+ b. 1842, d. 17 Feb 1916
Jane Caroline Goldsmith+ b. 7 Aug 1843, d. 1896
James Herbert Goldsmith+ b. 31 Aug 1845, d. 24 May 1935
Mary Abigail Goldsmith+ b. 19 Sep 1847, d. 7 Nov 1930


  1. [S272] Copy of Letter from Victoria and Albert Griffiths, to Rita and Fred Barber, dated 1 June 1980 (GG Barber Private Archives, Perth, W. Australia) ""Brothers and Sisters of Grandfather Barber" attached to letter."
  2. [S156] Baptisms, Marriages & Burials of St Nicholas Church, Brighton, Sussex, England, (ESRO: PAR 255/1).
  3. [S250] Marriage certificate of Jane Barber and James Goldsmith, married 28 Dec 1841 in the Registration District of Edmonton, Middlesex, England (GRO Index Ref: Vol 3 Page 69).
  4. [S254] Death certificate of Jane Goldsmith, died 14 Dec 1848, registered 16 Dec 1848 in the Registration District of Brighton, Sussex, England (GRO Index Ref: Vol 7 Page 256).

Elizabeth Barber

b. 9 December 1828, d. 24 February 1916
Elizabeth Tunnecliffe's grave at St Mary's Cathedral in New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand.


Father: Robert Barber b. 6 Jul 1802, d. 4 Feb 1867
Mother: Jane Holden b. 17 Oct 1802, d. 28 Oct 1882
Last Edited: 6 Apr 2018
  • Birth*: Elizabeth Barber was born on 9 December 1828 at 111 Jermyn St, St James, Westminster, London, England; born at 10 minutes before 12 o'clock at noon.1
  • She was the daughter of Robert Barber and Jane Holden.
  • Baptism: Elizabeth Barber was baptized on 2 August 1829 at St Nicholas, Brighton, Sussex, EnglandB.2
  • Anecdote*: Elizabeth Barber had an illegitimate son, Alfred, on 28 Dec 1850. The birth certificate of Alfred shows he was born at 11 Gunn Yard, Aldgate and the mother was Elizabeth Barber of 38 Camomile St, London. No father was given.
  • Anecdote: The 1851 census records Alfred Barber, 3 months old, at 11 Gunn Yard, St Botolph, Aldgate, Middlesex. It states that he is a nurse child (ie no relation to the family he was with), born Middlesex, Aldgate.
  • Anecdote: The 1851 census records Elizabeth as a servant, 22 years old, born Brighton, Sussex, living with Saul and Sarah Yates at 38 Camomile St, All Hallows London Wall, Middlesex. Their eldest son Alfred is aged 26 years and is likely the father of the baby Alfred. Both Saul and Alfred are solicitors. Unfortunately, Alfred Yates (the likely father) died on 23 October 1851 of phthisis (tuberculosis).3
  • Emigration*: Elizabeth Barber emigrated on 13 April 1857 to Auckland, New Zealand, on the ship "Dinapore" with Saul and Sarah Yates, and their children Emily and Theodore, departing Gravesend on 13 Apr 1857 arriving Auckland on 5 Aug 1857. Elizabeth met her future husband, George Tunnicliffe, on the ship. Her son Alfred had been left behind with her parents in Brighton.4
  • Marriage*: Elizabeth Barber married George Tunnecliffe, son of William Tunnecliffe and Louisa Phillips, on 8 August 1857 at Auckland, New Zealand, three days after arriving. They later had four children.
  • Married Name: As of 8 August 1857, her married name was Tunnecliffe.
  • Anecdote: It appears that Saul Yates practiced as a solicitor in NSW but that his wife died in New Zealand.
    The following article concerning Saul's son Samuel was found:
    Mr Samuel Yates, J.P., of Parengarenga, died a few days ago on the s.s. Paeroa while on his way to Auckland for medical treatment. For nearly half a century (says the Star) the deceased gentleman was an extensive gun buyer, storekeeper and proprietor of a stock station at Parengarenga, near the North Cape, aud was known as the " King of the Far North." He had been in failing health for some years. Mr Yates was 74 years of age at the time of his death, and leaves a widow and family of nine, two of his daughters being married. (One of them is the wife of Mr A. R. Crane of Kamo.) By his death the North has lost one of its oldest and best known colonists. The deceased gentleman was the third son of the late Mr Saul Yates, barrister, of London, and came to the colony 50 years ago with his father. He commenced business at Mangonui and ultimately removed to Parengarenga. He had great influence over the natives. The funeral took place , last Sunday at the Jewish cemetery in Auckland, and was very largely attended by representative citizens.
    Northern Advocate, "New Zealand Notes", 22 Sept 1900, p 6 (
  • Anecdote: In the 1861 census, Alfred is living with his grandparents, Robert & Jane Barber, in Brighton (age 10 yrs, born London). Alfred's marriage certificate states his father is Robert Barber, a cabinet maker. This was in fact his grandfather who had raised him. It appears that Elizabeth never saw Alfred again.
  • Death*: Elizabeth Barber died on 24 February 1916 at Kent Road, Taranaki, New Zealand, at age 87.
  • Burial*: Elizabeth Barber was buried after 24 February 1916 at Grave 56, St Mary's Cathedral, New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand, The inscription on the headstone reads: In loving memory of George Tunnecliff died 13 February 1912 aged 80 years also Elizabeth Tunnecliff died 24 February 1916 aged 86. At rest.

Family 1:


Alfred Barber+ b. 28 Dec 1850

Family 2:

George Tunnecliffe b. 1831, d. 13 Feb 1912


Louisa Tunnecliffe+ b. 14 Jul 1858, d. 26 Jun 1926
Margaret Elizabeth Tunnecliffe+ b. 10 Mar 1860, d. 13 Apr 1940
George Tunnecliffe b. 10 Mar 1860, d. 1860
George Tunnecliffe+ b. 1863, d. 19 Jul 1942


  1. [S272] Copy of Letter from Victoria and Albert Griffiths, to Rita and Fred Barber, dated 1 June 1980 (GG Barber Private Archives, Perth, W. Australia) ""Brothers and Sisters of Grandfather Barber" attached to letter."
  2. [S156] Baptisms, Marriages & Burials of St Nicholas Church, Brighton, Sussex, England, (ESRO: PAR 255/1).
  3. [S482] Death certificate of Alfred Yates, died 23 Oct 1851, registered 24 Oct 1851 in the Registration District of City of London, England (GRO Index Ref: Vol 2 Page 128).
  4. [S423] Website "New Zealand Yesteryears" ( "…."

Mary Barber

b. 25 April 1826


Father: Robert Barber b. 6 Jul 1802, d. 4 Feb 1867
Mother: Jane Holden b. 17 Oct 1802, d. 28 Oct 1882
Last Edited: 22 May 2012


  1. [S272] Copy of Letter from Victoria and Albert Griffiths, to Rita and Fred Barber, dated 1 June 1980 (GG Barber Private Archives, Perth, W. Australia) ""Brothers and Sisters of Grandfather Barber" attached to letter."
  2. [S156] Baptisms, Marriages & Burials of St Nicholas Church, Brighton, Sussex, England, (ESRO: PAR 255/1).
  3. [S67] 1841 Census for England "HO107 piece 1121 folio 6/40 page 23."
  4. [S16] 1851 Census for England "HO107 piece 1646 folio 63 page 9."

Susannah Barber

b. 25 April 1826


Father: Robert Barber b. 6 Jul 1802, d. 4 Feb 1867
Mother: Jane Holden b. 17 Oct 1802, d. 28 Oct 1882
Last Edited: 20 May 2012


  1. [S272] Copy of Letter from Victoria and Albert Griffiths, to Rita and Fred Barber, dated 1 June 1980 (GG Barber Private Archives, Perth, W. Australia) ""Brothers and Sisters of Grandfather Barber" attached to letter."
  2. [S156] Baptisms, Marriages & Burials of St Nicholas Church, Brighton, Sussex, England, (ESRO: PAR 255/1).
  3. [S67] 1841 Census for England "HO107 piece 1121 folio 6/40 page 23."